Last Update: 04.10.2024
Hello Chess Friends,
As usually, I'm very pleased to announce also that,I managed to organize another new championship!And what's new: each book contains 5600 games !!In other words, I think that they deserve more...butThat's what I can do my best.. at least for nowadays!
Some notes about the current played Top book participants:    The Winners of SIZE tours: Small / Medium / Large / GiantI know too that it is not so much fair...but anyhow, I think that It's not so bad idea to be in fight each other, right ?) if nothingElse mainly for fun..what I can add more, a lot of things but noFree time for all, exc. Messi's old dated one (by Mr. Angel) proves Again to all of us as to be the strongest under these conditions!!Sure I'm impressed a lot by rest Top books too, for examples:Super strong performance by SENTINEL 2409 despite its very Small in size, plus its produced DrawRatio is lowest, just: 89%Geralt is the only Public one, plus small + old nothingStrange...that ranked at last place...but in 7th tour (via Cfish..):Geralt is Geralt..where managed to be 3rd place...really good!
As other very important issue is that,I realized to run many separate tours, played by various engines!And via this testing is much clear the influences e.gError margin and this is not all, we can compare Eng/Books Draw    Records as well...for more notes I suggest to read More Details
    XXXVI's GRAND Champion: Chucaro - Congrats to Angel Morano!!    Sure my Congratulations to all rest Former Champions Authors too!

Rank Name             Elo  +  - games score oppo. draws    1 Chucaro 130424  3786  2  2  5600   51%  3778   92%    2 SENTINEL 2409   3782  2  2  5600   50%  3779   89%    3 Broth 36        3781  2  2  5600   50%  3780   91%    4 SENTINEL 2407   3780  2  2  5600   50%  3780   93%    5 Geralt          3770  2  2  5600   48%  3782   91% 
      Note: Overall Draw-Ratio (based on 14000 games) a little bit high: 92%------------------------------------------------------------
1st Test by Raubfish X48c3 SC:
1   Chucaro 130424  423.5/8002   SENTINEL 2409   413.5/8003   Broth 36        412.0/8004   SENTINEL 2407   389.5/8005   Geralt          361.5/800
Raubfish SC - DrawRatio:  87%Used Time Control: 40s + 0.7s------------------------------
2nd Test by SF-PB 220324 SC:
1   Chucaro 130424  409.0/8002   Broth 36        406.0/8003   SENTINEL 2409   405.0/8004   SENTINEL 2407   400.0/8005   Geralt          380.0/800
SF-PB- DrawRatio is high: 94%Used Time Control: 30s + 0.6s------------------------------
3rd Test by RapTora 2.3 OrgZ:
1   Chucaro 130424  412.0/8002   SENTINEL 2409   404.0/8003   SENTINEL 2407   396.0/8004   Broth 36        394.0/800 5   Geralt          394.0/800  
RapTora's DrawRatio is high: 96%Used Time Control: 30sec + 0.6sec------------------------------
4th by ShashChess Vs RapTora:                            1   Chucaro 130424  411.5/8002   SENTINEL 2407   401.5/8003   SENTINEL 2409   400.0/8004   Broth 36        399.0/8005   Geralt          388.0/800
SH Vs RapT-DrawRatio is high: 95%The Used Time Control: 30s + 0.6s------------------------------
5th Test by Rems EXP 160824:
1   SENTINEL 2409   405.5/8002   Broth 36        403.5/8003   SENTINEL 2407   401.5/8004   Chucaro 130424  401.0/8005   Geralt          388.5/800
Rems EXP- DrawRatio is high: 96%The Used Time Control: 30s + 0.6s------------------------------
6th Test by ShashChess 35.3:
1   SENTINEL 2409   406.5/8002   SENTINEL 2407   405.5/8003   Chucaro 130424  403.0/8004   Broth 36        401.0/8005   Geralt          384.0/800
ShashChess-DrawRatio: high 95%The Used Time Control: 30s + 0.6s------------------------------
7th Test by Cfish 030820 C40:
1   Chucaro 130424  408.5/8002   SENTINEL 2407   406.0/8003   Geralt          400.0/8004   Broth 36        394.5/8005   SENTINEL 2409   391.0/800
Cfish-DrawRatio not high 76%Used Time Control: 1m + 0.6s
More Details (regarding all above tournaments):1st of all, mostly tours are played:  30sec+0.6secWhere in some used 1m+0.6s and 40sec+0.7secOn other hand, all stable: no games lost on time!Yes..Raubfish SC is the closest to overall ranking!Plus, Raubfish is the least drawish NN engine.nice!One of very drawish but strongest ones: Rems EXPSF-PB 220324 SC is one of strongest too but less Drawish..comparing with current stats plus based onMany other new strength testings: Results / GamesBtw, SF-PB played with non-default Evalfile settingsOtherwise via nn-1ceb1ade0001.nnue: more draws,But SF-PB via nn-b1a57edbea57.nnue: less draws!Note also that the least drawish / more blunders byCfish 030820 but quite normal..since NON-NN ver.All in One engines (via CTG + BIN + EXP futures):RapTora, Rems EXP ShashChess, in short: great!
That's all for now...thanks for your interest...
Best Regards,Sedat Canbaz