Dear Chess Friends,

I am pleased to announce that,

I've already started running a tour, where as players are based books

Note: XLIV is the hardest of all my all tours, that I've ever organized...

Because, to create and work over 100 books is not so easy as it looks...

Anyhow it's my great pleasure to organize it and to share the results...

E.g, this time, as openings are testing from the past to the present!

XLIV competition is similar to previous ones, (e.g with based books) 

Exc., all my created new books: draws up to: 50 plies / wins: 100 plies

Plus in this new tourney, I hope to test more than 100 opening books...

The derivative books are based on games played in 2007- 2020 years

As book players, so far I picked mainly from SCCT Book Tournaments

Frequent books are chosen, e.g with mainly 2000+ games  (per player)

E.g many of the frequent authors books contain over than 3000 games

Note also that, the very oldest played games are not merged into new....

I mean, these based books include games, played in close date of time...

And all based books are optimized to prefer (as main move) the wins...

Sure (as alternative opening line): the draws are enabled for playing...

In short,  these based books are not 100% same as the original books

But theirs opening styles are quite close to previous played openings...

Just to be more clear,

The target of XLIV is not to determine who is Best Book Maker!

Because, according to my experience: there is no such thing, word...

Just one example, in the past... (I think in 2006 in Rybkachess forum)

I mean someone/s claimed as best book author...but via Perfect books

Or via SCCT book tourneys: I believe that I proved that they are not...!

And to explain it more clearly,

Any book performance depends on decent strong opening lines

E.g, the old-dated openings have no much chance to be at Top ranks

Or the books, such as CCRL, CEGT, SCCT etc.will suffer for sure..

Due to the mentioned above books prefer to play various openings

Moreover, theirs deep opening lines not tuned...(e.g after 8 moves)

In other words, I expect (as usual):

The latest and strongest deep trend openings to perform better...!

However, my goal is simply just for fun, but in same time...let's see:

 -Which opening books will manage to be as strongest of all time..?!

Tournament Details

• All books are CTG via book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/50

• As graphical chess interfaces used:  Fritz 12, Fritz 13, Fritz 14 GUIs 

  That means, a few separate Chessbase GUIs are played (in same time)

  I don't prefer newer ChessBase ones, such as Fritz 15, Fritz 16 GUIs...

  Due to 'Book Learning' does not work in Gauntlet, Round-Robin mode

• XLIV has been started on 26.07.2020, results can be viewed: Standings

• All based opening books will contain minimum 400 games (per player)

• For better rankings: Top 10 participants will be played min 1000 games

• Any Book Leader (after.1000 games per player) will be titled Champion

• As usual, all books are playing by same engine: Brainfish 151019 C40

For each book player is installed a separate copy of Brainfish engine exe

And why I used to play especially this vers. of Brainfish with cont. 40 ?

Simply because, according to my testings: it's a quite strong engine!

Plus, produces approx. 10% lower draw percentage than many other SF...

• In Gauntlet testings, for each GUI installed a separate copy of same ctg

  The reason, simply because to be not affected the ''Book Learning ON'

XLIV's Players Details (All Books in CTG format)

• CS9Top4 = Tuned to prefer the openings played by CS IX's Top 4 books

• Corr =Tuned to prefer the openings played by many Correspondent books

• Fritz, Hiarcs, Shredder etc are tuned to prefer the own engine opening books

• GMs Top = Tuned to prefer GMs openings mainly of CS XXXIX's Top 5 books

• NC =Tuned to prefer the openings by many book versions (by Nick Carlin)

• NoBook = Tuned to prefer the openings by Top engines, but without books

• Perfect 2007-2009 = Perfect 13x, Perfect 14, Perfect 15, Perfect 16 books

• Rybka = Tuned to prefer the openings by Rybka II, Rybka III, Rybka IV

• Several = Anabolic, Beyonder, bookDr, Gorilla, Terax

• Several2 = Brainline, Fullpower, Queen

• Stockfish = JudgeDredd, WilsonFisk, Fatalerror, etc. (played mainly in 2020 year)

• Top2007-2009 = Amazing, Apocalypse, Emrebey, Gabriel, Ghost, Spitaleri, TwoAmazing

• Top2011-2014 = Bullseye, DieHard, Exodus, KingofLegend, Laguna, Rocket, TerraDeath

• Top2015-2016 = Big Exon, CaudineForks, Leopard, MatchPoint, Notyet, SteamEngine

• Top2016-2017 = Amalia Evil, Baron, Conda, Kingcrusher, Tyson

• Top2 2016-2017 = Classic2, Fishbook, Forever

• Top2017 = Anka, Crusher, El Paso, Tiger, Top of the Line, Zeus beta

• Top2 2017 = Polyphemus, Krasnaia Zvezda, Spartacus, Xeonrocks,

• Top2017-2018 = Astoria, DerFarang, OmegaZero, ResturnofTiger, Revolution, VeryWeak

• Top2018 = CaudineForks1977, Luke, Magic, MothBall, Oompa-Loompa, Rakub

• Top2 2018 = Champ2018, engPowerbook, Stealth, MOS

• FCP = Tuned to prefer the openings played by FCP + Feobos books

• SPCC = Tuned to prefer the openings played by SPCC + SALC books

• SCCT = Tuned to prefer the openings by SCCT books (Balsa suite + Perfect2019)

• TWIC = Tuned to prefer the openings played by many TWIC books

• CCRL, CEGT, SSDF, TCEC, FGRL etc. are created in similar way as well...

 The players, which are based on games played 2019-2020 year(but most in 2020):

• Kerveros, Attacker, Stockfish, MZ, Cerebellum, DON, Vitamin, Scorpio, Everest,

 Noname, Turkey, RKnight, CF1977, Kain, Poss, Final, M, Cevdet, Jodi, Zodiac

For maximum performance/strength (while I was tuning each based book): 

- I enabled as main move: the wins, also as alternative the draws for playing 

- To be more clear, the defeats are removed from current based opening books    

Note also that, Some books are merged in one, due to not enough played games (per player)

And the size of any opening book is minus plus 10 MB (in uncompressed size)

That means, all of my created 100 books can be counted as very small in size!

Another record is that,

So far (in 20 years period of time...), I've tested more than 3000 books...!

And in XLIV, I tried to pick the frequent or high ranked books as players

Good Luck,

Sedat Canbaz

Standings / Champions