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Registration Details

• Book registrations are not allowed...the rules were in active tour

Please Read Carefully There are new rules for XLI Light tourney:

1. As participants will be allowed mainly by known book authors

2. By unknown required min 100 games (played on Playchess etc)

This rule can be called VISA, it's against cheating, more Details

3. In this tournament: only Private opening book versions allowed

In case...a participated book released to public (in active tour)

I am sorry to say that, then simply I am going to disqualify it...

Sure... when XLI tour is over, Authors are free to share or not...

For more information, please read the last section More Details

4. Max.uncompressed size limit (up to) CTG: 50 MB / BIN: 15 MB

Exc. a few MB extra can be allowed...for frequent book players...

Note: Ratio between BIN vs CTG is approx. 1/5 (uncompressed)

5 MB bonus for BIN, due to Polyglot books don't support learning

5. New book entries will be tested once in 30 days (once per month)

Exc., Top5 book players have choice to update once in 30 days

In case....the updated Top 5 books will be just resumed to play

6. As registered players: only one book allowed (from same Author)

Exc. CTG + BIN, plus dual BIN books are allowed (per player)

7. All games will be available after the end of book tour, exception:

Authors can get their games (in case of request in every 2 weeks)

• Chessbase (ctg) main book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/100

Exc. other book settings can be used by Author's recommendations

Btw, please send a screenshot (in case of request other than Opt. 0/100)

Tournament Details

• XLI tour has been started on 14.06.2020, results can be viewed: Ranking

• Next new entrants will be played vs Top ranked books (min 300 games)

• Any Book Leader (after.300 games per player) will be titled Champion

Plus (for better rankings): Champ books will be played min 800 games

• As usual, all books are playing by same engine: Brainfish 151019 C40

For each book player is installed a separate copy of Brainfish engine exe

And why I used to play especially this vers. of Brainfish with cont. 40 ?

Simply because, according to my testings: it's a quite strong engine!

Plus, produces approx. 10% lower draw percentage than many other SF...

• Polyglot (bin) books will be played with best book move as disabled...

• In Gauntlet testings, for each GUI installed a separate copy of same ctg

The reason, simply because to be not affected the ''Book Learning ON'

Registered's Players Details (All opening books are new, updated)

Opening Book Format Size Book Author Country

3456 BIN 15 Hasan Satrani Indonesia

More Details

The idea of running such kind of book tourney is born in XXXX Pro

Suggested by several book authors...So it's my pleasure to organize it...

And this time let's see,

Which are the best / strongest small private opening books in strength ?!

As stated earlier (for more fair conditions), I believe the best way to run:

Private vs Private or Available vs Available, but however my goal is that,

The Available books to be not included in the current XLI Light tour, e.g

Due to Available books have no much BIG chances to be as Champion

Because, Private entries probably will be well-tuned vs Available books

Plus, in case of playing the Available ones in XLI tourney, that means:

Last/later entered Private books can gain more points vs Available ones

So these factors can be a clear advantage for next Private entries, otherwise:

All books (Private+Available) should be created in very close date of time...

For these reasons,

XLI Light's target will be to be played only Private vs Private books!

Thanks for your understanding...and as usual for your interest...!

I wish you all the best of luck,

Sedat Canbaz

E.g, Bin vs Bin match (BM ON) usually play 2 exactly same openings

Just imagine, many games (each other) absolutely identical openings

AnabolicFW BIN 0.22 Arnold Vollmar ???

Armor-Tiny CTG 48 Olivier Charles England

AttackerPro 6 CTG 47 Adrien Costinescu Romania

Cevdet-Small CTG 50 Cevdet Sarı Turkey

Exon CTG 19 Playchess user's openings

Falcon-MINI CTG 6 Veselin Pavlov Bulgaria

Fatalerror CTG 13 Playchess user's openings

Final-Small BIN 10 Americo Moreira Portugal

FullPower CTG 46 Robert Estevez USA

Giri CTG 2 Giri's openings Netherlands

Glory 2 CTG 49 Antonie Lucas France

Judge Dredd CTG 8 Playchess user's openings

KAISER CTG 27 Bill Dixon ???

KRAKEN15 BIN 7 Rudy Pangilinan Philippines

Leonidas CTG 13 Playchess user's openings

Little-Nod CTG 50 Ian Hurnavich England

Lion 3 CTG 27 Johannes Andries ???

Luna 160620 BIN+BIN 15 Rafael Paulo Portugal

Mole2 BIN 15 Klaus Stebel Germany

Murx CTG 11 Infinity/Playchess user openings

MZ Little CTG 41 Marco Zerbinati Italy

NonameBoy CTG 51 Angel Morano Argentina

Project 019 BIN 15 Ivan Alekseev Russia

PurePower CTG 18 Playchess user's openings

Ranomi BIN 8 Ranomi ???

Scipionyx CTG 33 Antony Rossetti Italy

StarTrek-Tiny CTG 31 Arjun Balan India

SCCT CTG 28 Sedat Canbaz Turkey

Vitamin maniac CTG 50 Juan Carlos Spain

Wallybal CTG 8 Playchess user's openings

WilsonFisk CTG 15 Playchess user's openings

YNot CTG 14 Playchess user's openings

Zodiac-Micro CTG 44 Harry Williams USA

Some Notes:

• The size of all opening book formats in MB (in uncompressed)

• Some books tuned to prefer Top players openings (Playchess etc)

Picked online players: mainly with min 1500 games (per player)

Just one example: YNot tiny book contains more than 4500 games

The defeats are removed...(e.g during based book optimizations...)

In short, as main move the wins plus draws are enabled for playing

Source of decent database 2020: Special thanks to Mr. Cevdet Sarı

• As graphical chess interfaces used: Fritz 12, Fritz 13, Fritz 14 GUIs

That means, a few separate Chessbase GUIs are played (in same time)

I don't prefer newer ChessBase ones, such as Fritz 15, Fritz 16 GUIs...

Due to 'Book Learning' does not work in Gauntlet, Round-Robin mode