scct book cs 36 details

Book Registrations NOT allowed, but the rules were in active tour:

• Here are the new rules of the current book championship XXXVI:

1. As participants are allowed only the available free opening books

E.g the commercial, private or unreleased ones are not planning...

In short (in case of interest to submit a book):

Firstly you've to make it publicly available, later you can inform..

2. Max. uncompressed size (up to) CTG: 1250 MB / BIN: 250 MB

Or in compressed size (up to) CTG: 300 MB / BIN: 100 MB

3. New book players will be tested once in 30 days (once per month)

Exception, Top 5 players had choice to update 2 times in 30 days

In short, the updated Top 5 books will be just resumed to play...

And those updated ones will be published as last released date

4. In this tour, CTG + BIN, plus dual BIN books are allowed as well...

5. All games will be available after the end of competition, exception:

Authors can get their games (in case of request in every 2 weeks)

Tournament Details

• All opening books are playing by same engine: Brainfish 151019 C40

• Exception, Fres book is played via Lc0 engine too plus without book

• For each book player is installed a separate copy of Brainfish engine

• On my machine (2x E5-2686) installed and used only chess programs

- Plus no internet connection (to prevent against any kind of threats)

• The ongoing competition is planning to be active for several months

• I plant to test a lot of opening books, from the past to the present!

• Rather than tour, it will be a rating (with min 300 games per player)

• Chessbase (ctg) main book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/100

Exception, other settings can be used by Author's recommendations

Btw, please take a screenshot (in case of request other than 0/100)

• Polyglot (bin) books will be played with best book move as disabled

E.g, Bin vs Bin (BM ON) usually play 2 exactly same openings

Just imagine, many games (each other) absolutely identical openings

• As graphical chess interfaces used: Fritz 12, Fritz 13, Fritz 14 GUIs

That means, a few separate Fritz GUIs are played (in same time...)

I don't prefer newer ChessBase ones such as Fritz 15, Fritz 16 GUIs,

Due to 'Book Learning' does not work in Gauntlet, Round-robin mode

• New Entrants will be played (min 300 games) mainly vs Top books

• Any Leader (after 300 games per player) will be titled as Champion

E.g I expect to see frequent and different books to be as Champions

As we know...all of the opening book players are publicly available...

Participant Details

• So far, mostly of participated books are in Chessbase (CTG) format

• I've created several based books, which are available: Outskirts forum

More Details

Especially in these difficult times, I think:

The best way to double your happiness is to share it as free with others...

Where many chess fans will have chance to benefit from your work!)

I also hope that XXXVI tour will put somebody's mind at ease!

And it seems, the current book competition is going to be:

A good indicator of determining the strongest free books!

And Last,

Many thanks for your hard work, interest and good luck to all...!

Take care of yourself...

Best Wishes,

Sedat Canbaz

Standings / More Details