scct book cs 34 details

More Details

• I hope XXXIV book rating will be a good indicator of determining

The strongest opening books! and as I said before, the Online engine

Games (on Playchess, Infinitychess etc) are good as well, but oftenly

Hardware speed differences are playing a BIG role, where many suffer...

Under SCCT conditions: 'all is equal', exception the opening books !)

In short, my organized book tours are like no other...World's hardest!

And I wish to say,

Many thanks for your interest...!

Best Regards,

Sedat Canbaz

Book Registration Details

• There were new rules for the current championship XXXIV:

1. As participants are allowed mainly by known book authors

In this way, there was less possibility to appear clone books

2. Books by unknown authors were in pending (before entering)

3. In case of cloning/merging etc....BAN for the next book tours

4. All books are allowed (Commercial, Free, Private ones too)

So Authors had choice to share or not... her/his opening book/s

5. Max. uncompressed size (up to) CTG: 1250 MB / BIN: 250 MB

6. New book players are tested once in 30 days (once per month)

Exception, Top 5 players had choice to update 2 times in 30 days

The updated Top 5 opening books are just resumed to play...

And those updated books are published as last released date

7. In this tour, CTG + BIN, plus dual BIN books are allowed as well...

Also I accepted testing two or more books (from same author)

But 2nd or 3rd etc.books were different in opening styles...

8. All games are available, e.g after the end of book tour, exception:

Authors got their games (in case of request in every 2 weeks)

Tournament Details

• Since 28.10.2019, all books started to play by: Brainfish 151019 C40

As strength engine/book test played: Perfect DOWO (Perfect XXXIV)

Published as version DOWO = Deep Openings Without Optimizing

In short, the strength test shows us that there is no BIG Elo influence...

Later (on 16.12.2019), DOWO's games are merged to Perfect XXXIV

• Before (until 26.10.2019) the opening books played by Cfish 190619

• For each book player is installed a separate copy of Brainfish engine

• The ongoing competition is planning to be active for many months

• I hope to test a lot of opening books, from the past to the present!

• Rather than tour...will be a rating (with min 300 games per player)

• Since 11.10.2019, I set 3 Min/Game, due to no much free CPU time

Plus 512MB hash size (instead of 1024MB hash): Hash Test Results

• Chessbase (ctg) main book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/100

Exception, other settings can be used by Author's recommendations

Btw, please take a screenshot (in case of request other than 0/100)

• Polyglot (bin) books are played with best book move as disabled...

E.g, Bin vs Bin (BM ON) usually play 2 exactly same openings

Just imagine, many games (each other) absolutely identical openings

• As graphical chess interfaces used: Fritz 12, Fritz 13, Fritz 14 GUIs

That means, a few separate Fritz GUIs are played (in same time...)

I don't prefer newer ChessBase ones such as Fritz 15, Fritz 16 GUIs,

Due to 'Book Learning' does not work in Gauntlet, Round-robin mode

• New Entrants will be played (min 300 games) mainly vs Top books

• Any Leader (after 300 games per player) will be titled as Champion

Participant Details (12.10.2019)

• Mostly of the participated opening books are in Chessbase (CTG) format

• I've created many new opening books, which are based on various sources

A few books are tuned to prefer their drawn games (due to not enough wins)

But mostly of them are optimized to prefer (as main move) their played wins:

- AntiMachine = Man vs Machine games, but tuned to prefer humans openings

- ArasanX = CTG format, tuned to prefer Arasan engine's own book openings

- CEGT 40/20 book is a new one...based on CEGT's 40/20 high-rated games

- FISC2019 = FISC's high-rated engine games (between Jan 2019 - Sept2019)

- GMs 1900-1980 = tuned to prefer GMs openings between 1900-1980 years

- IP Top 5 = Top 5 players: Infinity + Playches games Jan 2019 - Sept 2019

- IP Top 6-11 = Based on Top players openings, the ranks between 6 - 11 etc.

- IP Stockfish book tuned to prefer Stockfish engine's openings on Playchess

- IP LCZero book tuned to prefer Lc0 engine's openings on Playchess server

- Also IP Cfish, IP Eman, IP SugaR etc. books are created in same way...

- Perfect XXXIV is based on Perfect book series + Balsa Suite games, but

It's tuned mainly up to 8 moves (e.g, I did not optimize the deep lines...)

• For more detailed info about the current book tourney: Outskirts forum