scct book cs 33 details

Latest Update: 03.10.2019

Dear Chess Friends,

I am pleased to announce that,

I already started to organize another tour: XXXIII

And here is the Participant list, for more Details

Opening Book Book Author

Alchemist Angel Morano

Andromeda Americo Moreira

Armor III Olivier Charles

Athena Ioannis Simeonidis

Attacker Pro 4 Adriean Costinescu

Beyonder 300919 Inco Gnito

CCC Based on CCC games

CCRL Based on CCRL games

CEGT Based on CCC games

Cubail Cevdet Sarı

Don 300919 Vasid Chouhan

FC Delta Hasan Satriani

Fusion Hurnavich

GoldenHorn Fatih Mutlu

HaZon Andrea Domir

Jodimarielle Isidro Jodimarielle Isidro

Nightmare Nuarita A. Mustikasari

Queen5 Ted Mackenzie

Perfect 2019 Sedat Canbaz

Pufferfish 2.0 Svetlin Ivanov

Ragnar-1977 Antony Rossetti

RougeKnight Lv2.1 Red Crimson

TCEC Based on TCEC games

TWIC 190819 Peter Grayson

Vitamin 300919 Juan Carlos

Zodiac 7 Harry Williams

But note that there are new rules for the current book tour:

1. As participants will be allowed mainly by known book authors

In this way, I think there is a less possibility to see clone books

2 Books by unknown authors will be in pending (before entering) Incomers should submit thier books 4-5 days before..

In this case, Book Expert/s can be required, about clone or not..

Normally I hope to.check.. but I have no much free time for all

3. In case of cloning/merging etc....BAN for the next book tours

4. All books will be allowed (Commercial, Free, Private ones too)

So Author's choice to share or not to share her/his opening book

5. Max. uncompressed size (up to) CTG: 1250 MB / BIN: 250 MB

Btw, please don't forget to compress (before sending your book)

More Details:

• All books will be played by same engine: CFish 190619 MP BMI2

• In this tourney: CTG + BIN combo books will be allowed as well...

• Plus, 2 bin books allowed, but will be played by Brainfish 130719

• A new engine strength test is available (by CFish): Results / Games

• Chessbase (ctg) main book settings: Learning ON, Optimized, 0/100

• Exc. some ctg books can be played by Author's recommendations

• Polyglot (bin) books will be played with best book move as disabled

• For more detailed info about the book tournament: MZ Chess Forum


I wish you good luck !)

Best Regards,

Sedat Canbaz