scct book 17 cond

Registration Details

• Opening Book registrations are not acceptable, for more info: Contact

• There was a rule: 'Visa' (against cheating, thanks for your understanding):

From Unknown Book Makers, it's required decent online engine games

In short, min 100 games is needed (played on Playchess, Infinitychess etc.)

The 'Visa' rule was only for new Incomers, who wished to submit a book

• A new book version is tested once in two months (from same Book Author)

Exception, Top 15 players had choice to update 2 (two) times per month

In short, (in case of updates) those books are just resumed to play...

And the new updated opening book versions are re-named as 'upd'

• There was a important note (for the Top 15 book players):

In case of update (2 times per month): Please don't edit the version name!

Because the gauntlet tournaments are ready / configurated to be used...

Otherwise, I'm afraid that there is a possibility to be played without book

Once more I'd like to mention: new updates will be just resumed to play

But new books (which are older than 2 months) will be tested newelly...

Only then it's recommended the new book version names to be re-named

Also, the name of inactive books will be published with the last release date

• ChessBase (ctg), Polyglot (bin) opening book formats are allowed mainly..

• The maximum book size should be less than 500 MB (in compressed size)

• Recommended uploading sites: Dropbox / Mediafire / Zippyshare

Tournament Details

• New entrants are played (min 200 games) mainly against Top book players

• The main book settings (for Chessbase books): Learning ON, Optimized 0/35

Exception is used different settings in case of request by Book Authors

Anyhow (for less draws), ctg ones are played with settings: up to 35 moves

For example, some of the books played with Author's settings: SALC, Feobos

• Some of the GMs opening books are played on my i7 980X 3.33GHz machine

• The ranking is calculated by Ordo (SCCTXVI Top5 is fixed to 3450 Elo)

Participant Details

• All opening books are played by Komodo 11.2.2 x64 vs asmFish 150916 x64

Exception, the bin books played by SugaR XPrO 1.0 x64, Brainfish 061016 x64

It seems, the played engines are very close in Elo strength: Standings / Games

Also, Misto book played by Komodo 9.2 (its opponents were asmFish 150916)

• Infinity book vers. (1-5, 6-10 etc.) are based on various Infinitychess players

e.g, Infinity 1-5 book is tuned to prefer the played openings of Top 5 ranks

• SCCTXVI Top5 is tuned to prefer the openings of SCCT XVI Top 5 ranks

There are some other books, which are based on previous SCCT book tours

e.g, SCCTXIV GM is optimized to prefer the openings of GMs Top ranks

• GMs 1-5 book is tuned to prefer the played openings by GMs of Top 5

• SCCT book (based on Perfect 2017) is tuned to prefer the wins played by

Top chess engines at SCCT engine competitions, for examples: 1 2 3 4

• SPCC book (based on Hert suite) tuned to prefer the wins, played: SPCC

• SSDF book is tuned to prefer the wins, played by Top chess engines: SSDF

• Also, CCRL, CEGT, FGRL, TCEC etc. books are tuned to prefer the wins...

Btw, note that the opening lines of my created books are up to 35 moves

• No Book = In short, the chess engine is played without using any book

Statistic Details (17.01.2018)

• The tournament's overall draw percentage (based on 36714 games): 70%

In case of use one of the Top engines for all, the draws are expecting: +90%

Here there are less draws, due to no matches against same engine versions

• Average Move Length (per side): 62 / Game Length: 6 Min (per game)

Standings / More Details