scct book 16 cond

Registration Details

• Book registrations are NOT acceptable, for more information, please: Contact

• There was a new rule: 'Visa' (against cheating, thanks for your understanding):

- From Unknown Book Makers, it's required decent online engine games

* In short, min 100 games was needed (played on Playchess, Infinitychess etc.)

* The new 'Visa' rule was only for new Incomers, who wish to submit a book

• Book updates were acceptable once in a month (from same registered user)

* Exception, Top 10 players had choice to update their books once in 10 days

* Updated books in 10 days: the older one are replaced with the new one

* In short, the updated opening books (in 10 days) are resumed to play...

* And those updated book versions (in 10 days) are re-named as 'Upd'

* But new books (older than 1 month) their test are re-started completely

• It was allowed only 1 (one) opening book version from same Book Author

• ChessBase (ctg), Polyglot (bin) book formats were allowed mainly

• The maximum book size's was less than 500 MB (compressed size)

• Recommended uploading sites: Dropbox / Mediafire / Mega / Zippyshare

Tournament Details

• New entrants are played (min 200 games) mainly against Top book players

• Mostly of the books played with settings: Learning ON, Optimized 0/35

* A few books are played with the specified settings by the Book Authors

*For example, some books (used Author's settings):SALC 2017, Feobos vers.

* However (for less draws), all ctg books played with settings: up to 35 moves

• Now all games are available for downloading at this link: SCCT CS XVI

* Exception, Registered users got their own played games (in the active tour)

• The ranking list is calculated by Ordo (Hercules book is fixed to 3250 Elo)

Participant Details

• All opening books are played by Houdini 4 Pro x64 (using 6 cores per game)

* The Polyglot (bin) books are played (via Polyglot adapter) by Houdini 4 too

* It seems, Houdini 4: UCI vs Polyglot's strength is very close: Results / Games

• Big Chess Pub lisching CTG 2017 Juni 16..ctg = Shorten in 'Big Chess Pub'

• No Book = In short, Houdini 4 x64 engine is played without using any book

Statistic Details (09.08.2017)

• So far, the tournament's overall draw percentage (based on 5160 games) is 57%

*Otherwise, in case of using the strongest engines, the draws will be approx. 85%

• Average Move Length (per side): 88 Moves / Game Length (per game): 6 Min

* Note: since 09.08.2017, the tournament time control is changed to 3 Minutes

Standings / More Details