scct book 15 cond

Registration / Tournament Details

• Book registrations are not acceptable, for any detailed info please: Contact

* There was a new rule: 'Visa' (against cheating...thanks for understanding):

- From Unknown Book Makers was required decent online engine games

* In short, min.100 games was needed (played on Playchess, Infinitychess etc.)

* The new 'Visa' rule was only for new Incomers, who wished to submit a book

• All book participants are played by Hypnos 181016 x64 vs Komodo 9.42 x64

* According to testings, the used engines are almost identical in strength: Results

• The maximum book size's limit was less than 500 MB (compressed size)

• The new entries are played (min 200 games) mainly against the Top players

• Recommended uploading sites: Dropbox / GoogleDrive / Mega / Mediafire

• The ranking list is calculated by Ordo program (No Book is fixed to 3250 Elo)

• All games are available for downloading at this link: SCCT Book CS XV

Participant Details

• Asmbook.bin is converted from Cerebellum book 16.04.2017, for Details

• No Book = In short that means, the engine is played without using any book

• Hiarcs14vBook + SCCT Book CS XIII played with settings Optimized 3/35

• All rest Chessbase opening books are played with settings: Optimized 0/100

* It can be used different book settings, in case of request by registered user

• Strong Base OTB 2400 book name is shorten/edited to Pannemarion 2400

• Blue Whale name is edited...due to it seems to be clone of Samir 29 book

Statistic Details (09.06.2017)

• So far, the tournament's overall draw percentage (based on 2300 games) is 63%

* Note: VIII's draws (the played games are close in strength with this tour): 80%

* Here less draws, due to no matches: Hypnos vs Hypnos or Komodo vs Komodo

• Average Move Length (per side): 69 Moves / Game Length: 32 Minutes

Standings / More Details