scct book 13 cond

Registration / Tournament Details

• Opening book registrations are already not acceptable...

• The current book tour was active 5 months of period...

• A new book update was acceptable once in a month (from same registered user)

* Exception: the Top 10 players had choice to update their books once in 10 days

* In short, e.g once in 10 days: the older books are replaced with the updated books

* And the new updated opening book versions (in 10 days) are named as 'Upd'

* But for book updates, (older than one month) their tests are re-started completely

• ChessBase (ctg), Polyglot (bin), Arena (abk), Shredder (bkt) were allowed mainly

* CTG vs ABK formats etc. are played each other via Autoplayer (Auto232 mode)

• All book participants are played by Komodo 10.3 x64 vs Stockfish 160716 x64

* Exception, Cerebellum bin opening books are played by Brainfish 160716 x64

* Polyglot books are played by Komodo 10.3 vs SugaR SCCT (based on SF 160716)

* According to testings, the used engines are very close in Elo strength: 1 / 2 / 3 Games

• The maximum opening book size's limit was less than 500 MB (compressed size)

*Exception was for opening book (Immoprtal plus), where it size bigger than 500 M

• The registered books are played (min 200 games) mainly against Top 20 book players

• Recommended uploading sites: Dropbox / GoogleDrive / Mega / Mediafire / Zippyshare

• All CTG books are tested with book settings: Learning ON; Optimized 0/35

* Exception used different book settings, when was request by registered user

* However, (for less draws) all CTG books are played with settings up to 35 moves

• The ranking list is calculated by Ordo program (PlaychessTop is fixed to 3400 Elo)

• All games (including some previous tours) are available for downloading: SCCT

Participant Details

• I've created books, which are based on various users openings, e.g of Playchess:

- Exxon, Hellboy1, Notyet2, PlaychessTop, Seven_Eleven, Tdunbug, Victorious

* PlaychessTop book prefers the openings by TURKEY, JIMDO, Pacificrabbit

Infinitychess: InfinityTop1, InfinityTop2, KingSlayer, RIYUCK, Knightmare

* InfinityTop1 book prefers the openings played by Asadali, Soloman, EasyPlayer

* InfinityTop2 prefers the openings by Philippines, Q6600 2.4, PoisonedPawn, Jpn

* The above mentioned users books are based on engine games played in 2016 year

* SCCTIXTop3 book is optimized to prefer the openings by Top 3 players of IX

* SCCTVIIITop book is optimized to prefer the openings by Top players of VIII

- CCRL, CEGT, FCP, FGRL SCCT etc. are based on high-rated engine games, e.g:

- SCCT is tuned to play Komodo, Stockfish wins, played only in SCCT engine tours

- Also CEGT, CCRL, FCP, FGRL, SSDF, TCEC are tuned to play Komodo, SF wins

* Sequoia, Hurricane, Mapanare books are slightly updated with the games played

in the previous SCCT book tournaments / championships (between 2010- 2016)

* GM2750Elo+ tuned to play the wins of overall GMs books (played in SCCT tours)

* Cerebellum book is the same ctg version, which is the current book leader in XII

* No Book = In short that means, the engine is played without using any book

* Stockfish 5 + DK10_PrO = Stockfish 5 x64 is played with DK10_PrO book

* For better accurate testing: Stockfish 5 used another copy of DK10_PrO book

* According to CEGT: Stockfish 5 is approx. 130 Elo weaker than Komodo 10.3

* Under the current SCCT conditions: the Elo difference is almost same, e.g:

- When we compare Stockfish 5 + DK10_PrO vs Komodo 10.3 + DK10_PrO

• More information about the participated books can be found at Players List

Statistic Details (22.03.2016)

• So far, the current overall draw percentage (based on 58120 games) is 69%

* Note: VIII's draws (the played games are close in strength with this tour): 80%

* Here we see less draws, due to no matches: SF vs SF or Komodo vs Komodo

• The most played opening: C54 - Giuoco Piano: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4...

* C54 includes 12562 games (that means 23% of the played openings are C54)

* C54-Guioco Piano opening's draw percentage is (very close to overall ): 68%

• As second most played opening: B90 Sicilian Najdorf (includes 7069 games)

* B90 Sicilan Najdorf opening's draw percentage is (lower than expected): 62%

• The 3rd most played opening: C89 Ruy Lopez, Marshall (includes 5123 games)

* C89 Ruy Lopez's draw percentage is (it is much higher than expected): 82%

• D43 Semi-Slav is another frequent played opening (includes 2854 games )

* D43 Semi-Slav opening's draw percentage is (higher than expected): 76%

* For more detailed info (based on 07.03.2017) can be downloaded: Statistics

• The shortest wins (10 games in PGN) are available for downloading: Games

• The biggest opening books (uncompressed size): Immortal v7 plus (6.35 GB)

* Fauzi 4.9.abk (1.66 GB) / Hiarcs 14t (1.6 GB) / Panda Final (1.05 GB)

• The smallest Bin book (uncompressed size): Ceruleanjs v0.1.1 (476 KB)

• The smallest CTG books (uncompressed size): GabrielNathans (4 MB)

* DeepAccess (4 MB) / Darkmatter (16.2 MB) / Lazy (16.4 MB)

• The oldest books: Fruit240915 (2005) / RybkaII (2006) / Sheebar (2006)

* HS-Book (2007) / Perfect 13 (2007) / The Turk II (2007)

• Average Move Length (per side): 59 Moves / Game Length: 5 Min

Standings / More Details