Hello Chess Friends,

On this news page,You can read my postings regarding: Book / NNUE XII

11.04.2023:Another update (for today) e.g several books are entered..and as we see,Under these new conditions, the situation is changed...I expected a hardTour to be, but not so much, sure I plan to test more books in next days  But anyhow, very likely the current tour will be ended soon as possible, The main reason: It's not soft touch to get high points...20 Elo diff..played serious influence!However...just for fun...plus without trying we would not know and let's seeWhat will be the next standings (e.g after more games and players) Btw,Some of the participants suffer, especially as without books. for exampleBerserk 8.5 plus Berserk 9 engines are out...due to both versions suffer...To be more clear, Berserk 9 lost several games in less than 10-12 moves

11.04.2023:1st off all, current book tour is close to 'Legend of the 300 Spartans'Why I say like this ?) if not clear, simply because it's not so much fair..Because mostly new 2023's books will be played by CF-EXT 291120,Which is about 20 Elo weaker than many of used to play Top enginesAs other reason why not so fair is that, NNUE vs NON-NNUE matchesAnd you may see, e.g some are playing with BIG assistance (Evalfiles)Where CF-EXT 291120 engine is playing without any NN assistance..Anyhow, now we will have possibility to compare real book's power!Plus we'll have chances to see the NNUE's strength as without bookI mean about:Berserk,Fire, Igel, Rebel, Seer, SlowChess NN enginesThey are not capable to use bin book, so playing without using a bookBtw,so far, I realized to include only HCan Upd (via CF EXT 291120)Sure later I hope to add more participants..ok... more info very soon )


As usual, I am pleased to announce that,Another new, but very hard tour is coming...Probably one of the hardest that ever seen!
1st of all,All book entries will be played by CF-EXT 291120 Which is minus plus 15-20 Elo weaker than many...
To be more clear, There will be many constant books, which will be Played mainly by 7-times Champion (Cfish 030820)
In same time that means, the entries will be playedMainly vs engines about 20 Elo stronger, you know:To take a WIN vs stronger engine/s will be not soEasy as it looks... but there is nothing impossible!
Meanwhile, you may remember too?The planning tourney will be similar as B/N CS V,Where the entries are played vs stronger engines!
In other words,Another 'Unforgettable' competition is coming...!)Plus it is expecting more fun for sure...becauseI've done my best to see less draw percentages!And no doubt that,It's more exciting, in case of various chess engines!
Note also that,Later I plan to organize another tour with the Top books,In short, the high-rated opening books will be played by Same NN engine: Raubfish X48c3 SC (close to 3750 Elo)
And here are the planning engines, which will be played...Actually I tested many more, but picked/published the ones, Which are less DRAWİSH and which are close to 3600 Elo:
For strength conditions used: 2m+1s, Ponder ON, Balsa..Mostly of the engines are used to play via 4 Core/GameBtw, you can download the played new strength GAMES:
Engine                    Elo  DrawsKomodoDragon 1c          3611   67% Revenge 3.0 1c           3608   78% SlowChess 2.8            3601   72% Cfish 11 NON-NN          3603   79%Cfish 030820 NON-NN      3600   75%SF-PB 170922 NON-NN      3598   81% Berserk 8.5 x64          3597   69% Stockfish XIr4 NON-NN    3594   77% Igel 3.4.0               3594   75%Rebel 16.2 1c            3586   74% Eman 5.62 NON-NN         3586   68% Koivisto 8               3582   71%Fire 8.MC3 1c            3580   68% SF200620MZ NON-NN        3579   78% RubiChess 201122 1c      3578   68% Seer 2.6.0               3576   78% CF EXT 291120 NON-NN     3575   70%DarkSiter 1.9a NON-NN    3574   81% BrainFish 240720 NON-NN  3574   80% 
More Details:1c = that means will play with using 1 Core, butRest other engines will play with 4 Core/Game
Note: Those engines, which can not use BIN book,Will be played simply as without using any book
Meanwhile, (for those which can't use BIN books)I tried/tested them via Polyglot adapter too. but theirPerformances were lower than expected...it seemsMany suffer and can't play at full strength..and forThis reason, those ones will be played without bookBtw, actually strange....we are in 2023 year, but stillMany of the Top engines are not capable to use BIN...

Ok.. that's all for now and more info very soon )
