Hello Chess Friends,
On this news page,You can read all my previous postings...Regarding mainly SCCT Book CS LIV
04.05.2021:Many books entered... as expected, no one managed to take the leadThe reason, almost all of them are old-dated...exc. Manifest 250121But as next planning players, there will be plenty new 2021's books...Btw, as usual, e.g almost same book authors are one of Top rankings...And what about rest? I wish to see new incomers as Champions too..!!Current Leader: Alchemist 250421 - Congratulations to Angel Morano!Best Performance so far as Free: Blue / BIN: Lco -Congratulations too!------------------------------------------------------------------------28.04.2021:Two new books entered... and both of them are managed to be on Top!And again Mr. Angel's book is Number One..with 59% win. percentageReally the latest Alchemist vers. performed with superior performance!Sure, mostly of the current books are super strong too, well-done to all!Current Leader: Alchemist 250421 - Congratulations to Angel Morano!Best Performance so far as Free: Blue / BIN: Lco -Congratulations too!-------------------------------------------------------------------------26.04.2021:1137chess book managed to take the lead...actually no BIG surprise!DON Lite book is 2nd and as usual, DON series are one of the Top...Blue book (by Regine1) managed to be as 3rd...not bad as free bookCevdet Sarı's book (Lco.bin) with best performance so far (as BIN)One thing more, new versions of DON and Alchemist are coming...The Current Leader: 1337chess 281120 - Congrats to Michael Wagner!Best Performance so far as Free: Blue / BIN: Lco -Congratulations too!-------------------------------------------------------------------------25.04.2021: 4 new opening books are entered...and here are the latest standings. The Current Leader: Katzenmaier - Congratulations to Stefan Kleinert! Current Leading Free book is Blue / BIN: Lizard ...Congratulations too!-------------------------------------------------------------------------23.04.2021:BIG update: 18 books are entered..and mostly of them are old-datedBut my next job will be to test firstly the latest new releases of 2021Note also that, the tour is running at full power... and very soon more Opening books are coming..and please stay tuned... meanwhile: A new idea is born: in this tour there will be 3 tittles (after 500 games): 'Free' Champion = Best performance of the free public opening books'BIN' Champion = Best performance of the books in Polyglot format'Classic' Champion = Best performance in overall (ctg, private etc) E.g, as free public book (with best performance): Blue 060121 bookBest performance so far in BIN formats: GoblinMaster 250920 book Katzenmaier1701 is one of serious candidates to be as Classic ChampThe Current Leader: Katzenmaier - Congratulations to Stefan Kleinert!--------------------------------------------------------------------------21.04.2021:Again and again...Mr. Vasid and Mr. Angel's books are again on Top!Note that many of the current books already played in recent tours e.g:Alchemist is the same one, managed to be twice as Champ: L and LII1337chess 281120 is the same....which managed to be Champ of LII2600-Club is the same book, which managed to be Champ of XLIXCevdet2 is the same bin book, e.g which managed to be Champ of LIZeus is the same bin book, which managed to win several tours: LIIThe main diffrence (about Cevdet2, Zeus etc) played as NON-DualSCCT book is the same one, which participated in recent tour: LIICF1977, Vitamin are the same vers. managed to be Champ as well... Plus Katzenmaier, Attacker, Feta etc. participated in previous tours Current Leaders: Alchemist / DON - Congrats to Morano / Chouhan!--------------------------------------------------------------------------20.04.2021:Another competition started, where this time I set a new TC: 2min+1secNow, I expect to see less blunder moves especially after 100-150 movesAnd probably the overall draw perc. will be slightly higher than before..Anyhow, looking at the current stats is 80%...not so high and still fun..!)Btw, the tour is just in the beginning...and let's see after more games....More info soon...and good luck to all!Current Book Leader: CF1977 - Congratulations to Antony Rossetti-------------------------------------------------------------------------For more info about conditions, book registrations etc Details
Thanks for reading!
Best Wishes,Sedat Canbaz