# PLAYER RATING POINTS GAMES (%) 1 Houdini 6.01 8CPU : 3613.2 357.0 450 79.3% 2 Komado 11.2.2 8CPU : 3602.7 370.5 480 77.2% 3 Stockfish 120917 8CPU : 3577.7 358.5 480 74.7% 4 Houdini 5.01 8CPU : 3511.0 312.5 450 69.4% 5 Hypnos 181016 8CPU : 3469.8 298.5 480 62.2% 6 Shredder 13 8CPU : 3400.0 256.0 480 53.3% 7 Fizbo 1.9 8CPU : 3358.8 230.0 480 47.9% 8 Fire 5 8CPU : 3357.6 228.5 480 47.6% 9 Booot 6.2 8CPU : 3354.7 227.0 480 47.3% 10 Andscacs 0.92 8CPU : 3349.9 224.0 480 46.7% 11 Gull 150216 8CPU : 3326.6 209.0 480 43.5% 12 Fritz 15 8CPU : 3284.0 182.5 480 38.0% 13 Chiron 4 8CPU : 3264.0 170.5 480 35.5% 14 Nirvana 2.4 8CPU : 3249.5 161.5 480 33.6% 15 Texel 1.07a29 8CPU : 3240.1 156.0 480 32.5% 16 Protector 1.9.0 8CPU : 3237.0 154.5 480 32.2% 17 Hannibal 1.7 8CPU : 3235.7 153.5 480 32.0%

• All engines 64-bit / Shredder 13 is fixed to 3400 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update


More Details: • A strength test is done (before starting the new rating): Results / Games Another new strength test (regarding the current rating): Results / Games One new test more for this tour (16CPU+PonderON): Standings / Games Btw, I've run some similar strength tests too (about 3 years ago): Results In short, I was wondering about the power/quality of the current games And sometimes, higher kN/s values do not mean better performance !) As you know, 16 cores has much higher kN/s values than 8 cores, but... Here definetely 'Ponder ON' is played a BIG role...impressive results! In other words, it all depends on our conditions and there is one true: MP + Ponder ON seems to be the best/most powerful way of testing • All engines are played each other with 8 cores (per side) + Ponder ON And it seems (e.g many of the Top MP engines up to 8 cores) to be safe... • Due to some engine bugs ... mainly Arena, plus Fritz GUI is used too E.g Andscacs, Booot, Ginkgo, Hannibal crashes/suffers under FritzGUI Even Hannibal 1.7 crashes under Arena and ShredderClassic GUIs too Of course, not sure exactly what can be the reason...but it's clear that: The mentioned chess engines are not so stable as MP + Ponder ON • Unfortunately Ginkgo 1.96 is taken out (due to often time forfeits)