Breaking News - 07.02.2022:       More games added and now all players consist 1000+ games (per player)!       Last entries are Marvin and Monolith, managed  approx. 3000 Elo..good..!       Tucano 10 test cancelled (like SlowChess 2.83) e.g without NN file suffers...       And since NNUE appeared.. I wonder often, is Computer Chess in danger?       E.g those engines are not capable to play or suffer without Evalfile, strange       Btw, It'is something like: without using navigation (assistance)  you are lost..       But not in foreign area, where the distance is 1 km to your home !)       For my all previous postings regarding current engine competitions: News
        The Current Leader: Stockfish 310720  C40 - Congratulations to SF Team!
      # PLAYER                  : RATING    POINTS    GAMES   (%)   1 Stockfish 310720 C40    : 3636.1     860.5    1000   86.0%   2 Stockfish 310720        : 3592.1     829.5    1000   83.0%   3 Komodo 13.3             : 3485.1     731.0    1000   73.1%   4 Houdini 6.03            : 3484.1     730.0    1000   73.0%   5 Ethereal 13.07          : 3442.5     685.5    1000   68.5%   6 Berserk 5               : 3415.0     647.0    1000   64.7%   7 SlowChess 2.3           : 3376.0     600.5    1000   60.0%   8 Xiphos 0.6              : 3349.6     575.5    1000   57.5%   9 Booot 6.5               : 3339.0     557.0    1000   55.7%  10 Combusken 2.0.0         : 3327.3     681.5    1080   63.1%  11 rofChade 2.3            : 3327.2     574.5    1040   55.2%  12 DefenChess 2.3          : 3300.0     512.0    1000   51.2%  13 RubiChess 2021          : 3295.0     533.5    1040   51.3%  14 Fritz 18                : 3280.6     512.5    1000   51.3%  15 Laser 1.7               : 3277.0     486.0    1000   48.6%  16 Fizbo 2                 : 3250.2     455.0    1000   45.5%  17 Andscacs 0.95           : 3240.2     461.0    1000   46.1%  18 Wasp 4.5                : 3218.2     416.5    1000   41.6%  19 Gull 150216             : 3211.5     506.0    1000   50.6%  20 Stash 32.0              : 3210.8     484.5    1000   48.5%  21 Arasan 23.2             : 3194.4     383.5    1000   38.4%  22 Demolito 041021         : 3174.1     478.5    1000   47.9%  23 Fritz 16                : 3161.4     452.5    1000   45.3%  24 Nirvana 2.5             : 3147.2     493.5    1040   47.5%  25 Igel 2.6.0              : 3143.6     459.5    1000   46.0%  26 Chiron 4                : 3142.3     468.5    1000   46.9%  27 Velvet 3.1.0            : 3135.9     419.5    1000   42.0%  28 Texel 1.08a13           : 3126.1     480.5    1000   48.0%  29 Beef 036                : 3125.4     441.5    1000   44.1%  30 Nemorino 5.28           : 3123.7     447.5    1000   44.8%  31 Minic 2.53              : 3118.4     474.0    1000   47.4%  32 Hannibal 1.650          : 3113.0     467.5    1000   46.8%  33 Pedone 1.9              : 3105.8     443.0    1000   44.3%  34 iCE 4                   : 3093.6     430.0    1000   43.0%  35 Protector 1.9.0         : 3087.9     423.5    1000   42.4%  36 Senpai 2                : 3085.1     424.0    1000   42.4%  37 Vajolet2 2.8            : 3084.1     419.0    1000   41.9%  38 Cheng 4.41              : 3048.4     336.0    1080   31.1%  39 Amoeba 3.4              : 3019.0     284.5    1000   28.4%  40 Marvin 5.2.0            : 3018.7     293.5    1000   29.4%  41 Monolith 2              : 3002.2     280.5    1000   28.1%
     • Calculated by Ordo / DefenChess is fixed to 3300 Elo  /  Blue Name = Last Update
More Details (07.02.2022):• The tour's main target is that, testing the Top engines, which are 3000+ Elo • Maximum engine size limit: up to 5 MB (uncompressed), higher not allowed• Max. engine similarity limit: up to 60% (via Simex 2 tool), higher not allowed  Exception, just only in case of 100+ Elo stronger than based original engine  Plus in this way, it seems more original..more fair..what we can need more ?)• Parallel matches, but for each chess GUIs installed separate folder of enginesAll of the engines 64-bit, played as NON-NNUE (without using any EvalFile)• Current overall draw percentage (based on 20640 games) not so high:45%• For my all previous postings regarding current engine competitions: News• Download all the played games so far (up to 01.02.2022): SCCT (3m+1s) MP      I plan to upload the newest played games periodically (e.g once per month)