General Rules

•Each player (chess engine) must be based mainly on own original work/ideas

•Engines with +55% similarity are not allowed, exception will be in case of:

-Which are approx. +100 Elo stronger than based original engine, for details

•Only 'Winners' (from the past to the present) are allowed in this competition

*As sourse in selecting the participants: SCCT, SSDF, WCCC results are used

•In case of often bugs (forfeits on time etc.) that chess engine will be changed

For Better Engine Performance

•All chess engines are played with ponder on (thinking in the opponent's turn)

•Various, but strong short openings (mainly up to 8 moves) are used, for details

•Mostly of the played engines are 64 bit (Bmi2, POPCNT used where available)

•LIVE broadcasting tools (e.g publish tournament results on web) are not used

*Due to LIVE tools (on same PC) damage the engine's performance, for details

•Unnecessary programs and services are disabled to run in the background

•It is not installed any program or utility to tray in the Taskbar (Start-up)

•E5-2686 machine is used only for chess and in every 2-3 days is ShutDown

•Internet connection is disabled as protecting from any kind of threads

•No clicking with mouse, no typing... (when the tournament is active)

Time Control / Statistic Details

•The used time control: 10 Minutes/Game + 2 Seconds/Move (per side)

•So far, the current overall draw percentage (based on 11550 games) is 25%

•Average Move Length: 60 Moves (per side) / Game Length: 24 Minutes

More Details

•Genius 7 chess engine is played on Windows XP 32-bit, via Autoplayer

•In case of using large Tablebases, mostly of the chess engines play stronger ...

*With well-optimized book + deeper opening lines,the engines play stronger too

*But however, (for less draws) I set 4-Men TBs and short openings, due to:

– As a neutral TD,

I want to see the 'real' playing strength of the Top engines Standings / Games