General Rules:

•It’s not allowed playing two MP Engines between each other on the same computer

•Mainly only the ‘TOP 10 Chess Programs’ are played...

•It’s allowed only 1 (One) Participant per Engine Author

•In case of seriously Engine’s bugs (loose on time,crashes…) GUI/Engine will be changed

•Adapters/Converters(polyglot/wb2uci…) are not allowed (for full performance and strength)

•Arena Chess GUI are used in case of WB Engine or in case of some other error bugs

•Adjudication of draw games is allowed by Tournament Manager

Engine/Hardware Configurations:

•Plus some of the engines are played on i7-980X 4.0GHz and i7-970 4.0GHz machines

•MP engines are played with ”PONDER ON” mainly with 4 cores, plus some used 6 cores

•For Full Performance/Strength: WB/UCI Engines played under best suitable Chess GUI

•CPU Usage (the number of cores),hashtables… are checked by Task Manager Program

•The current hardwares are based and used only for computer chess tournaments

•Internet connection is disabled as protecting from viruses,sparms,warms…

•No clicking with the mouse,no typing…(when the tournament is running)

•It’s not installed any programs to tray in Taskbar/Computers daily shutdown

•Hardwares overclocking stability is tested by Prime95,OCCT 3.1.0

More Details:

•All chess engines are played between each other on two separate computers via Auto232 mode

*Exception are allowed (playing on same pc) for single processor against single processor engine

•The engines are played each other in Auto232 mode (using Auto-232 2.0 autoplayer)

•The both computers are connected via RS232 null modem serial cable

•The Rating Lists include ‘No double games’ and ‘No games up 15 moves’

•The chess speed of the both hardwares (i7 920@3.0GHz/QX9650@3.66GHz) are almost identical

*Note:checked/compared the kn/s values of Houdini 1.5a/Rybka 4.1/Crafty 22.8

*Checked/Confirmed also by playing after hundreds of games

•The best way of measuring the both hardwares speed is the system by running them against each other

*Here is both hardware test(exception kns values,even the performance is almost identical)

BenchMark Games

Current Standings

4c = using 4 Physical Cores (4 CPUs)

6c = using 4 Physical Cores (6 CPUs)

12t = using 12 threads (HT ON)

x64 = Optimized for Windows x64

JA = Compiled by Jim Ablett