Perfect 2014


1.Perfect 2014t opening book release notes:

• Hand tuned and carefully optimized each line (improved for TOP Chess Engines playing styles)

• Perfect 2014t means a tournament book, recommended to be used for serious competitions or for ratings

• The Perfect 2014t books are based on move lines played mainly by Super GM games – average 2700 Elo

• Note also that I included some new lines played by the the strongest chess engines too (+ 3400 Elo)

• No various openings, but as far as possible, the strongest modern openings are preferred and used

• No openings with winning percentage to be bellow 50 % for Whites and bellow 40% for Blacks

• Book’s Depth is mainly up to 8 moves (exception for a few lines, which are improved up to 9/10 moves)

• Fritz Book Settings: Default (optimized 3/35), but however almost all lines will be played up to 8 moves

• Disabled almost all 3-fold repetitions and the ctg book format’s learning functions are disabled too

• I have spent more than 12 years period of time for the optimization of the current used opening book lines

• Before final release, mostly of the used lines are tested with more than 500.000 SCCT games (since 2002)

• It’s recommended to be used same book for all Engines (it’s highly optimized for Engine vs Engine matches)

• Perfect 2014t is a neutral short book (not recommended and not optimized for book vs book competitions)

*Perfect 2014t book series are compatible only for five (5) Chess GUIs:

– Arena

– Aquarium

– ChessBase

– Shredder Classic

– Winboard


2.Perfect 2014c opening book release notes:

• Another neutral opening book, which is based also on Super GMs games – average 2650 Elo

• Perfect 2014c means a classic opening book, recommended to be used for engine testings or for ratings too

• This version can be counted still as a new project (since 2012), which includes many classic strong openings

• All lines are hand tuned and carefully optimized (includes many various popular and classical openings)

• Book’s Depth is mainly up to 5 moves (exception for a few lines, which are improved up to 6/7 moves)

• Fritz Book Settings: Default (optimized 3/35), but however almost all lines will be played up to 5 moves

• Perfect 2014c.ctg book’s learning functions are disabled too

*Perfect 2014c books are compatible only for five (5) Chess GUIs:

– Arena

– Aquarium

– ChessBase

– Shredder Classic

– Winboard


*Some notes about opening books:

The opening books play a BIG role for engines elo strength and there is no doubt:

– The opening book is the ‘key’ for getting a high-Elo chess engine performance!

Depending on what kind of opening book usage,

X Engine can be performed approx. 0-200 Elo points or even more…

One of the most important factors is that:

The both sides (Whites/Blacks) should have equal chances for a win

I mean, the Engines should not be tested with disadvantage openings…

Each game should be played like in official chess engine tournament…

It’s not recommended to be used critical weak opening lines, where the Engines will perform:

– Below 50% (Whites) and below 40 % (Blacks)

Note: Testing the Engines with weak lines don’t make sense even with switched (alternate) colors

Actually there is one way for accurate standing, (in case of using critical/weak lines):

– X Tester should run at least 2000, 3000 games… but using various opening books!

And I strongly believe in that:

In case of using Perfect 2014t book, it is not needed running thousands of games per player

500-1000 games per player is quite enough data for determining about the Elo strength of X Engine

Another Important Note:

The Chess Engine Testers should be very carefully in checking the game results,

Which are ended in favor for weaker participants (when there is at least 50-100 Elo difference)

Note also that it’s completely wrong view,

In case of checking the performance of the books by looking at the Engine evaluations

I mean, there are a lot of opening positions,

Where many Chess Engines (when the Engine does the first search) show different evaluations

And it does not mean:

This line is weak or bad and I can show many examples, where the evaluations are more than:-0.50,

Where furthermore (in the middle/endgames) later Whites are winning…

Or just opposite,

There are also such strong openings, where in the first opening,

X Engine show evaluation approx.+0.50 or higher, but furthermore the Blacks are winning…

In other words,

Instead of Engine Evaluations, we should concentrate on Winning Percentage of the played lines…

One thing more,

Mostly of the neutral books/lines are based on GMs games, for example there are many openings,

Where GMs of 2500-2850 Elo perform good, but unfortunately exactly on the same opening positions,

This time the Top Engines fall in a big disadvantage and that affect a lot the Engines Elo strength

Note also that the current Top Chess Engines are at least 500 Elo stronger than the Top Grandmasters

*That’s why nowadays many Grandmasters use the strongest Chess Engines for their analysis

For this reason,

Engines should be tested with the strongest opening lines as far as possible, which suit for both sides

For example, hundreds of such critical (weak) opening lines have been disabled in Perfect 2014 books



The Perfect 2014 opening books are freeware. Nobody is allowed to sell copies of Perfect books.

It may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes as long as no any files in this package are modified.

The files in this package are provided with absolutely no warranty of any kind. Use it on your own risk.


Thank you for using Perfect books!

Enjoy and Happy Testings…!

Book Author:

Sedat Canbaz

Antalya (Turkey), 30 July 2014