Last Update: 24.01.2022

Dear Chess Friends,

Once more (for anyone missed, interested...),

I realized to mention over double standards, attacks over Me!

And I'm sure, exc. Me, many other chess friends are affecting...

Be sure of this, I will fight against injustices, attacks etc. !!

And in case, I hope you will do too! Don't allow 'bad' to win!

To be more clear, after all:

I am a human..and after so many injustices over Me...

I realized to share some of my thoughts with all of you ...

To be honest,,

I'm accustomed since a long time with these injustices..really...

These kind of behaviours are not 1st ..probably will be not as last...

Actually this is one of the main reasons about why I'm not active in

Many computer chess no much free time for all..

By the way,

There were many attacks...but I will try to mention just a few:

In the past, as far as I remember in Rybka chess forum:

Harry Schnapp (via 12 fake accounts) attacked Me...e.g:

He is done everything to damage my prestige and my books

And one of the most strange things: Mods were too late, passive...

I know very well why.. .but I think it's not required to talk more...

Because these old stories lead to nowhere...however

At least now you have some info about why I am affected...


Yes..via Papers: I am always as Loser..that's proved!

For example, a long time ago, I think in 2006 year

Via Poll votes: Perfect books lost via BIG margin..

For this reason, in those days a new idea was born:

Running Book Tours and later I was on Playchess too

My target was simply that my books are not so weak...

In other words, what I am trying to tell you:

Papers and Reality are two different things!

And in chess forums again (via other funny Poll),

The shocking news was that: SCCT lost to IPON

Note: IPON is a good rating, but never shared games

Perhaps if I will not share anymore games, books etc.

Probably then my free work will be ranked higher ?

On what kind of planet we live? Really full with injustices..

I wonder too, how many years are needed about that

Regarding these BRAINS will start to be changed....?

However, I believe in that, sooner or later:

'Good' wins in most least for my side!

And instead of trowing stones...usually I offer bread...

But I am afraid that not many are able to see the reality...

Or simply I can call these funny actions as ungrateful ...

And as usually,

Some are concentrating for looking only holes over my work

They have difficulties to mention SCCT or to use Perfect books

I mean, under fair, right conditions...only otherwise they prefer )

Or they are trying to show that my opening books are Drawish

But they forget to mention one thing: my openings are stronger!

Not so clear ? Ok...then I will give you just one example: CS LII

You can check SCCT and other available well-known rating lists

It seems my used short various openings are best vs rest ratings..

That's why as usually instead of Comments, Papers, Polls, etc.

I prefer to relay mainly to use Calculator tools, and hope helps!

Btw, as another strange news is that, you may aware or not...

Recently my old short book is tested vs new deep book: Details

And I don't believe that all this test is occasionally happened..

The point is clear, even 10-years old boy may understand!

Not so clear? Again to show that my short books are weak...

Not same, but similar story like in the past...for more: Details

Regarding Perfect 2022 opening books,

I am deeply sorry to say that but I've change my mind...

I don't plan to release my books (including Balsa) any more..!

And forgive Me please that I can't keep my promise this time

E.g one of the main reasons,

Why I have to share my work? and later to be attacked again?

My job is free, but not so cheap as it looks..for anyone missed:

You may know or not, Perfect 2021 books are removed Details

Btw, they picked on what a funny day: 1st April FOOLS day ))

All this happened due to complains by (ICC)

It seems, my opening books affected their superior products...

Yes.. I shared my free work over than 20 years with all of you

But I think that It's already enough, sorry to say but sometimes:

Hard cases make bad laws

And please do not worry... I am sure in that,

There are other people who do better job than Me!

As you may know, Two heads are better than one!

As final words over these issues, as usual:

The tree that bears fruit will be stoned!

Sad, but true...!

And without to not mention this I can not too:

We have many chess friends with very good hearts as well!

Without them...I'd leave my chess hobby since a long time!

Once more, many thanks for your support, kind words....!

And let's live Computer Chess forever!

That's all for right now...take care and stay safe!

Best Wishes,

Sedat Canbaz