Marc Compere
Dr. Marc Compere
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Lehman rm.158
Daytona Beach FL 32114
Multi-vehicle, Multi-agent Mobility Virtual environment (MoVE)
Research and Technical Pursuits:
Testing self driving vehicles in a combined real and virtual space
Vehicle dynamics, vehicle instrumentation, and vehicle telemetry
Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Vehicles (IoV) development
Outdoor, weatherproof and connected computing
Courses taught:
ES201, Engineering Statics
ES204, Engineering Dynamics
ME313 and ME414, Instrumentation and Data Acquisition, with lab
ME303, Vehicle Dynamics
ME413, Preliminary Design in High Performance Vehicles, with lab
ME414, Preliminary Design in Clean Energy Systems, with lab
ME423, Senior Design in High Performance Vehicles, with lab
ME434, Senior Design in Clean Energy Systems, with lab
ME445, Sustainable Design
ME495, Practicum in Water Purification
ME508, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
ME620, Advanced Vehicle Dynamics
HON350, Honors Seminar III: Global Issues in Water Supply and Demand
ODE solvers for Matlab and Octave
ODE solvers for Python
Personal story at
MoVE demo video #1
Solar power system monitoring
Created : 31 Oct 2009
Modified: 04 May 2023