For Educators

Awards and Grants

Kirby Instructional Grant

For: K-12 classroom project with an innovative approach to teaching writing

Entry deadline: September 1

Application: Kirby Writing Matters Grant

The Colorado Language Arts Society honors teacher, writer, and CLAS leader Dan Kirby, who teaches with passion and innovation, by offering a $200 grant in his name to a K-12 classroom teacher. Grant money is to be used to complete a project with an innovative approach to teaching writing. The grants are awarded at the Regional Conference in October.

Early Career Teacher Grant

For: CLAS members that are in an English/Language Arts teacher preparation program, in an elementary teacher education program, or in the first three years of an English/Language Arts teaching position

Entry deadline: September 1

Application: Early Career Teaching Grant

The Colorado Language Arts Society annually awards up to two $500 grants to support and encourage early career English Language Arts teachers. Each award also includes complimentary registration for the CLAS Fall Conference and the Colorado Teen Literature Conference. The application requires a completed grant application form (above), two letters of recommendation addressing your current and/or potential strengths as an English/Language Arts teacher; and an original essay (maximum 800 words; typed and double-spaced; 12 pt. font) that addresses (1) why you have chosen a career in education; and (2) how this grant will make you a better teacher.


For: adults who advocate for teens, and who are interested in Young Adult Literature and the authors who write for the teen audience

Entry deadline: early January

Application: on the Colorado Teen Literature Conference website after mid-November

The MAGWHICH grant is available to assist an adult who might otherwise be unable to attend the Colorado Teen Literature Conference. The grant includes conference registration ($75) and meals (a light breakfast and catered brown-bag lunch). Grants are awarded before general registration opens. If you do not receive a grant you may register for the conference starting the first Monday in February.

NCTE High School Teacher of Excellence

For: high school teachers

Entry deadline: May 1

Application: High School Teacher of Excellence Award

Do you have a high school colleague who deserves recognition for excellence in teaching? If so, please nominate him or her to receive the NCTE Secondary Section Teacher of Excellence Award. Each affiliate of NCTE is encouraged to identify one teacher for the award; winners will be honored at the Secondary Section Luncheon at the annual NCTE Convention in November. Nominating letters may be from a colleague, supervisor, administrator, parent, or student.

NCTE Intellectual Freedom Award

For: an individual, group, or institution advancing the cause of intellectual freedom

Entry deadline: February 1

Application: more information

SLATE (Support for the Learning and Teaching of English) is the NCTE Standing Committee that deals with legislative and censorship concerns. SLATE sponsors annual national and affiliate-based Intellectual Freedom Awards to honor those who merit recognition for advancing the cause of intellectual freedom. As a state affiliate of NCTE, CLAS may award an individual, a group, or an institution the Affiliate Intellectual Freedom Award each year. CLAS may nominate the local winner as a recipient for the national award.

Judith Gilbert Fellowship

For: a CLAS member currently or previously serving in a leadership position and a CLAS member intending to serve in a leadership position

Entry deadline: July 1

Application: Gilbert Fellowship

The Colorado Language Arts Society honors the spirit of leadership and professionalism embodied by the late Judith Decker Gilbert by encouraging anyone who has held a leadership position in CLAS to mentor a promising newcomer. The Colorado Writing Project provides funding for both recipients of the fellowship (a mentor and a mentee) to receive CLAS memberships for one year as well as paid registrations to two CLAS-sponsored events, a Writing Conference, Colorado Teen Literature Conference, or the CLAS Regional Conference. Recipients of the award will be introduced at the annual CLAS Regional Conference. The application form further describes qualification criteria and information about the required commitment of both the mentor and the intern.



Are you interested in making a difference? NCTE has sent along information about the Colorado General Assembly and tips on how to advocate, as well as NCTE advocacy opportunities.

Chalkbeat Colorado has an Education Bill Tracker.

Teacher Resources

The web resources from our Ning have been pulled over and curated by subject area on the Teacher Resources page.