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Welcome! I am currently a senior fixed-term assistant professor (RTD-B) in Probability and Statistics at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona.

Working address

Università degli Studi di Verona                                                                          

Dipartimento di Informatica

Strada le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona, Italy 


2.17, Ca' Vignal 2 building (2nd floor, room 17) 


francesca.collet [AT] univr [DOT] it

Research interests

My research activity mainly concerns Probability Theory applied to Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems. In particular, I am interested in 

Collateral topics: occupancy models and free probability.

Keywords: disordered models, exchangeable occupancy models, fluctuations, free completely random measure, free Lévy basis, interacting particle systems, large and moderate deviations, limit theorems, Markov processes, mean field interaction, mixing and relaxation times, perturbation theory, random graphs, self-organized behaviors, stochastic dynamics.