



The following information has been gathered from my personal experience.  Any comments or updates are always welcomed.

Local Church Records:  Starting in 1917, the diocese archive was required by church law to have duplicate records of every parish. The head of the diocese for Colledimacine is in Lanciano. Furthermore, the diocese archive is a repository of defunct parishes, of which there may have been 3 in Colledimacine. I have been unable to verify a reliable source to confirm if any of these records exist, or if they are available to the public.   Volunteers to investigate are appreciated!

Libro di Morte San Nicola di Bari 1750

Commune di Colledimacine: The town hall of Colledimacine holds the following records on file:

Births: 1867, 1881, 1882, 1891, 1910-1939, 1943-present

Deaths: 1943-present

Marriages: 1921, 1926, 1944-present

Town Censuses: 1931, 1936 and others to present.  Town censuses list name, date of birth, address, foreign address (if applicable), parents' names etc...

  Archivo Dello Stato Civile: During the reign of Napoleon (from about 1806-1815), civil registration became national law.  When Napoleon Bonaparte became king of Italy in 1806, he decreed that all births, marriages and deaths be registered with civil authorities troughout the country.  After Napoleon's defeat, most areas in the northern part of Italy ceased their civil record keeping but Abruzzo continued civil registration.  The Registri dello Stato Civile for Colledimacine is kept in the Archivo di Stato in Chieti. Available records from the years of 1809-1865 have been microfilmed by the (LDS).  The Registri dello Stato Civile include births, marriages, deaths, and miscellaneous records (Atti Diversi, Atti di Notificazioni, and the very genealogically-rich Processetti).  Volumes for the years 1866-1899 are also located in the State Archive of Chieti.  As a service to fellow Colledimacinesi, I have obtained copies of the indices for all these years and transcribed them.    

Atti di Nascita (Birth Records):              1809-1899 [unavailable: 1832, 1852, 1856, 1866]

Atti di Matrimonio (Marriage Records): 1809-1899 [unavailable: 1852, 1880]

Atti di Morte (Death Records):               1809-1899 [unavailable: 1852]

These transcriptions are the result of my family's personal effort (and funding) of hundreds of hours over 15+ years.  As such, I ask that you use it for your personal use or link to this webpage, but please do not copy and paste it onto another website or usergroup. 

As of 2017, the Italian Government has scanned all of these municipal records and has made images of them available online here: 


Records before 1809: Colledimacine was a feudal holding under the Barbolani, the Trasmundi, and others.  There were no regular, government-mandated civil registries. Church registries should have been taken, but I can find no evidence that they still exist. The Catasti Onciario, or royal census, was taken in Colledimacine. It is an extensive inventory of residents, their livestock, their landholdings, and taxes for each. The Catasti are located in the State Archive of Chieti and Naples. I have obtained and transcribed the Catasti Onciari for:




These transcriptions are the result of my personal effort of over 350 hours over two years.  As such, I ask that you use it for your personal use or link to this webpage, but please do not copy and paste it onto another website or usergroup. 

 Genealogy in Italy:

If you are pursuing your family roots and wish to contact authorities in Italy, any genealogist would advise you to be as polite as possible.  Civil servants and clergy are employed to administer to today's current issues and living people, and may not have time to help genealogical hobbyists.  Also consult general guidelines for genealogical research in Italy at and for help.


The information on this webpage is from personal experience, and the following sites which were active links at the time of my research: