- Install and Activate Mcafee with Product Key

Install mcafee antivirus on your device and enter 25 digit mcafee activation code to activate and enable your antivirus software. Start using mcafee for making your data and device safe from online threats.

Download and install mcafee antivirus on your device with the easy to execute steps at and enter mcafee product key for activation.

Activate McAfee using activation code?

  1. Open the web browser and enter the website link in the text field.

  2. Type the McAfee activation code given on the backside of the retail card.

  3. Type the email ID.

  4. Choose the "Language" and "Country" options.

  5. Press on the Submit option.

What is the Procedure to Install

Install the mcafee antivirus software on your device with these given below steps:

  1. First start your device

  2. Now Double- tap on the “downloads” file.

  3. Now open the McAfee setup on the device.

  4. Once you will get that folder, press twice on the McAfee setup provided on that folder.

  5. Now select the language

  6. Then select the country.

  7. Go through the legal agreement to install McAfee setup on the device.

  8. Tap on the “Install” option provided on the next webpage.

  9. Let McAfee be set up to complete its installation procedure.

  10. Restart the device to make changes and you are done.