Claudia Steinwender

I am a professor of Economics at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). I am affiliated with the CEPR, CEP and CESifo, and I am an Editorial Board Member of the Review of Economic Studies, an Associate Editor at the Journal of International Economics and an Editorial Board Member at Explorations in Economic History.

Curriculum Vitae

Here are some of my personal, highly subjective insights from the job market - for future JM candidates.

Research Interests: International Trade, Innovation and Productivity, Applied Microeconometrics, Economic History



Réka Juhász, Claudia Steinwender (forthcoming), Industrial Policy and the Great Divergence 

Annual Review of Economics, Vol. 16 (previous versions: NBER Working Paper No. 31736, CEPR DP 18489, CESifo Working Paper No. 10675, CEPDP1949)

Enrico Moretti, Claudia Steinwender, John van Reenen (forthcoming), The Intellectual Spoils of War? Defense R&D, Productivity and International Spillovers 

Review of Economics and Statistics (previous versions: NBER Working Paper No. 26483, CEPR DP 14145, CEP Discussion Paper No 1662)

Media: The Economist, Financial Times,

César Ducruet, Réka Juhász, Dávid Nagy and Claudia Steinwender (2024), All Aboard:  The Effects of Port Development  

Journal of International Economics 151 (previous versions: NBER Working Paper No. 28148, CEPR DP 15487, CESifo Working Paper No. 8721, CEPDP1734)

Media: VoxDev

Cheng Chen and Claudia Steinwender (2021), Import Competition, Heterogeneous Preferences of Managers, and Productivity

Journal of International Economics 133 (also: NBER Working Paper No. 25539, CEPR DP 14285, CESifo WP No. 8028)

Online Appendix; Media:

Giuseppe Berlingieri, Frank Pisch and Claudia Steinwender (2021), Organizing Global Supply Chains: Input-Output Linkages and Vertical Integration

Journal of European Economic Association 19(3) (also: NBER Working Paper No. 25286, CEPR DP 13321)

Data: Self-constructed import IO tables for France; Media:

Pian Shu and Claudia Steinwender (2019), The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Firm Productivity and Innovation

In: NBER Book Series Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 19, Editors: Josh Lerner and Scott Stern (also: NBER Working Paper No. 24715)

Claudia Steinwender (2018), Real Effects of Information Frictions: "When the States and the Kingdom became United"

American Economic Review 108(3), 657-696 

2014 WTO Essay Award for Young Economists, Best Paper Award at RIEF XIIIth Doctoral Meeting, Klaus-Liebscher-Award 2014, FIW Award 2015 

Online Appendix; Media: Trade Talks (podcast by The Economist and PIIE),, CentrePiece, Der Standard 

Luis Garicano and Claudia Steinwender (2016), Survive Another Day: Using Changes in the Composition of Investments to Measure the Cost of Credit Constraints 

Review of Economics and Statistics 98(5), 913-924 (earlier version: CEP Discussion Paper No 1188)

Online Appendix; Media: The Economist, HBS Working Knowledge

Working Papers

Omnia Juncta in Uno: Foreign Powers and Trademark Protection in Shanghai's Concession Era (NBER Working Paper No. 29721, CEPR DP 16987, CESifo Working Paper No. 9548, CEPDP1827)

Laura Alfaro, Cathy Ge Bao, Maggie X. Chen, Junjie Hong, Claudia Steinwender

Who Stands on the Shoulders of Chinese (Scientific) Giants? Evidence from Chemistry (NBER Working Paper No. 30772, CEPR DP 17805, CESifo Working Paper No. 10217, CEPDP1904)

Pierre Azoulay, Shumin Qiu, Claudia Steinwender

Revision requested by Research Policy

Paper Tiger? Chinese Science and Home Bias in Citations (NBER Working Paper No. 32468)

Pierre Azoulay, Shumin Qiu, Claudia Steinwender

Media: The Economist

Spinning the Web: Codifiability, Information Frictions, and Trade (earlier titles: Drivers of Fragmented Production Chains: Evidence from the 19th Century; Spinning the Web: The Impact of ICT on Trade in Intermediates and Technology Diffusion, NBER Working Paper No. 24590)

Réka Juhász and Claudia Steinwender

Online Appendix; Media: Trade Talks (podcast by The Economist and PIIE)

The Roles of Import Competition and Export Opportunities for Technical Change (CEP Discussion Paper No. 1334)

Claudia Steinwender