A Bryant 1831

Map of Cheshire (SW section)

William Andrewes Bryant (1799-1878) planned a series of maps of all English and Welsh counties, but as with many similar projects he ran into financial difficulties, after publishing maps of 13 counties and the East Riding of Yorkshire between 1822 and 1835. His maps, at 1 ½ inches to the mile, are on a larger scale than the Greenwoods’, and consequently include much more topographical detail.

It is found in two versions: six sheets (plain) or two large sheets (coloured), folded in a slip case. Both versions can be seen at the Cheshire Record Office.

Click on the map to see a zoomable version. The filesizes of these online maps have been significantly reduced to assist internet viewing. To obtain the maps at their full size and quality go to "Maps on CDs"