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Cleveland Park Listserv Premium Advertising

Advertisers can purchase ads that appear in the Cleveland Park Listserv's columns.

The Cleveland Park Listserv publishes four popular weekly columns, and posting an ad that appears with these columns is a cost effective way to reach thousands of Washington area residents. When you purchase a premium advertisement, you can choose which of the listserv's columns in which you want your advertisement to appear, and whether you want it to be inserted in the middle of the column or at the end of the column.

The Cleveland Park Listserv’s regular columns are:

Monday: Washington Tweets, a column about the most interesting and revealing posts on Twitter about Washington, DC.

Tuesday: Technology Column, insightful computer, smartphone, and Internet tips, and commentary

Wednesday: Ask Kelli: Cleveland Park Listserv Advice Column, offering personal, career, social and family advice

Friday: All Life is Local, musings, reflections and humor about life in Washington, DC

Premium ads that appear at the end of the column cost $100 each; ads that are inserted in the middle of the column cost $250.

The Cleveland Park Listserv covers zip codes 20008 and 20016, two of the highest income and most educated demographics in the United States. Just by way of example, 81% of people in 20008 graduated from college; 27% of 20008 residents earn $75,000 a year or more; in 20016, 43% of adults earn $50,000 a year or more; in 20016 48% have graduate degrees.

Key Features of Premium Advertising on the Cleveland Park Listserv:

    • Highly targeted and prosperous audience
    • Next-day advertising is available
    • It's easy -- just send in your advertisement as an email to us and we'll take care of the rest.
    • Staying power - your advertisement stays in our frequently searched archives forever
    • Cost effective
    • You will also be thanked in our weekly thank-you to advertisers

How does it work?

1. Choose which kind of advertisement you want, column middle or column end and pay for your ad using your credit card or PayPal. A maximum of one column middle and four column end ads will appear in each column.

2. Send us an email with the text of your advertisement and let us know in which column you want your ad to be. If you don't have a preference, we'll select a column for you. Because these are insert ads, the maximum length is 75 words -- short and effective.

That's it. We'll take care of the rest. Your advertisement will appear in the next column of your choosing.

You can email or phone in your advertisement to:

(cleveland-park-owner at yahoogroups dot com)

or 202-742-6873.