Cleveland Park Listserv Advertising FAQ
How much does an advertisement cost?
Regular ads are $50 each. You can also purchase a bundle of four advertisements for the cost of three ($150). Color ads, which can also include photographs, drawings and company logos, cost $150 each.
How do I send in an advertisement?
If you are a listserv member, just post your message to the list as your ordinarly would. If you are not a listserv member, just email your advertisement to us and we'll take care of the rest. Send your advertisement to us at:
How quickly will my advertisement appear?
Usually your ad appears within an hour or two after paying for and posting your message. Sometimes it can take as long as six hours for an advertisement to appear (assuming your advertisement was sent in during normal business hours). If you want your advertisement to be posted on a particular day or need it posted quickly, please email the list moderators or include that information when you purchase your advertisement. You can also call us at 202-742-6873.
I'm having trouble paying using your online system, but I need to run my ad soon. What can I do?
Please call or email us and we're find a way for you to be able to post your advertisement ASAP.
Why should I advertise on the Cleveland Park Listserv when I can post a free message elsewhere?
The Cleveland Park Listserv is more than twice the size of every other neighborhood email list in the Washington, DC area -- we are more that ten times the size of most lists.
The Cleveland Park Listserv, unlike all other email lists in the Washington, DC area, has additional content, such as weekly columns, making us very widely read (and talked about.)
Because we are an all-moderated listserv, we delete repetitive, non-useful, and problematic messages, making what appears on the Cleveland Park Listserv of much higher value and quality than is what is posted on other email lists. We view bandwidth as a limited resource and actively strive to make the Cleveland Park Listserv a vibrant and exciting place in cyberspace. We have an advice column and are adding other features to continue to enhance the Cleveland Park Listserv. What this means is that your advertisement will be noticed on the Cleveland Park Listserv.
I'm still not certain that this is a good way to reach potential customers. The idea of advertising on a listesrv is new.
Perhaps the best evidence that advertising on the Cleveland Park Listserv is an effective way to promote your business or service is that we have many repeat advertisers.
The Cleveland Park Listserv covers zip codes 20008 and 20016, two of the highest income and most educated demographics in the United States. Here are some of the advantages of advertising on the Cleveland Park Listesrv, which you can't find in combination anywhere else:
- You're reaching a highly targeted and prosperous audience.
- Same-day and next-day advertising is available. When timing matters, the Cleveland Park Listserv is the place to advertise.
- It's easy -- just send in your advertisement as an ordinary listserv post.
- Staying power - your advertisement stays in our frequently searched archives forever. Your posted message will be found when somebody searches the archives (and people do often.)
All I want is to have an NPR-style thank you at the end of the week. I don't need an advertisement, just that "Thank you to our sponsor xyz," with our name, website and contact information. How do I do that?
Because advertisers are automatically thanked every Friday, all you need to do is send in your payment and we'll take care of the rest. If there's anything special you want us to include with the thank you, just include that information with your payment or send us an email.
We know that some advertisers prefer the the more "public radio/public television" style advertisement, so we wanted to make that as easy as possible.
Do I have to be a Cleveland Park Listserv member to advertise?
You do not have to be a listserv member to advertise. If you are member, just send in your advertisement as a regular listserv post. If you are not a member, email your advertisement to us and we will post it for you. (Be sure to include your name: All messages, including advertisements need to be signed. This helps preserve the neighborly feel of the listesrv, and makes for more effective advertisements.)
If you want, to join the Cleveland Park Listserv visit or send an email to We do recommend joining and posting yourself -- this makes it easier for list members to reply to you if they have any questions.
What if my advertising message has typos, formatting mistakes, or other problems?
We will try to correct any minor spelling, grammatical, formatting or typographical mistakes for you (but we can't guarantee that we will find them all). If there are any substantive problems with your advertisement, we will contact you before putting it through.
Do you have any tips for writing an effective ad?
It's best to keep the tone of your advertisement as un-ad like as possible. That is, write it as if you were talking to your neighbor, rather than posting a classified. Be sure not to use ALL UPPERCASE since this sounds like shouting. Also, as exciting as something may be, it's best to avoid multiple exclamation marks!!!
If I purchase the 4 ads for the price of three package, within what time frame do I have to place these ads?
You should post your advertisements within 12 months of paying for them.
Are there any discounts for buying more than a 4 for 3 bundle of ads?
Yes, we offer a special discount for advertisers who want to buy a full year's worth of advertising (which can be paid for in installments.) Please contact us for pricing.
How long can my ad be?
Shorter is always better, but your advertisement can be up to 750 words.
You forgot to thank me in your weekly thank you to advertisers.
If we made a mistake, please let us know and we'll fix that and make amends as quickly as possible.
I can't pay by credit card or PayPal. How can I buy an ad?
Send us an email and we'll invoice you.
Click here to go back to main advertising page.
The Cleveland Park Listserv is the Largest Neighborhood Email List in the United States