Clemson Church Of Christ
Physical Address: 167 Old Greenville Hwy, Clemson, SC 29631
Mailing Address: PO Box 333, Clemson, SC 29633 Phone: 864-654-3583
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to research our church online! We hope that you will join us on Sundays and Wednesdays to experience our worship and praise.
9:30 - Bible class.
Adults - (auditorium) -
August - Gideon - (Dan Newsome)
Teens - (house) - studying Old Testament Stories
Danny Vaden
Preteens (downstairs) - studying Biblical applications
Shaun Beckish
Nursery (downstairs) - learning God is good
rotates weekly
10:30 - Worship service - Our service includes a Zoom feed for those traveling, sick, or shut in. The link can be accessed here...
Meeting ID: 867 1897 1919
Passcode: 008978
Ladies Bible study on Zoom.
email Danny for the link.
6:30 pm Bible study, downstairs in the fellowship hall
Food Schedule - 1st Wed. Matt, Rachel, and Danny
2nd Wed. Lisa and Shaun
3rd Wed. Anita and Elizabeth
4th Wed. Monica and Caitlin
5th Wed. - Church provision
If you would like to support the work we do here please click the following link:
Where to come when you get here?
First image from front of building.
Second image from back parking lot.
This Sunday's Sermon
This Sunday's service - 9/15/24
The Gospel of Belief - John 6, The best bread ever.
This Sunday we will continue our series on the gospel of John. In John chapter 6, Jesus miraculously feeds the masses. Later he teaches his disciples telling them that he is the bread of life. Anyone who receives him will never go hungry? Does food that perfectly satisfy sound good to you? If you'd like to learn more come see us this Sunday.
Text Danny Vaden at 864-650-2893, if you would like an invite to our online service.
Please join us!
College Devo- Sept 12th, 6:00pm at the building
Restore Conference (a youth retreat for 13-18 yr olds) - Sept. 13th -15th.
September 20th - 21st, Central Men's Retreat.
Please contact if you have any comments or announcements.
A short snippet from our week at Palmetto Bible Camp Senior Week