Career and Technical Education

Your Insight + Our Students = Success

Are you an active member of the Design, Manufacturing or High Tech Community in Bellingham?

When you look back at your own High School experience, do you wish that someone with real experience would have talked to you about what it takes to be successful? Maybe they could have shared with you the skills they use every day.

If that sounds familiar, then consider becoming an Advisory Board member for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Programs in the Bellingham School District

As an Advisory Board Member you will have an active voice in visioning education. Working with like-minded business people, educators and administrators you can help shape what students learn and how they learn it. Board members serve many roles. Some choose to participate in classrooms through presentations, interviews or teaching their craft. Others work at the administrative level organizing and running meetings and moving the Bellingham Career and Technical Education vision into the future. Any level of participation is welcome. All you need is to devote a small amount of time to attend general assembly meetings to help us improve education and keep abreast of your needs and expectations as a business community member.

Some ways you can support our programs are:

  • Presenting in Classrooms
  • Conducting Mock Interviews
  • Facilitating/Chaperoning Field Trips
  • Assist Teachers with Lesson Targeting
  • Volunteering your Expertise in Classrooms with Students
  • Advising/Assisting Clubs
  • Organizing and Conducting Advisory Board Visioning Meetings

Thank you for considering these opportunities.

For more information or should you have questions, please contact:

Jeff Tetrick: Bellingham School District CTE Director

Paul Clement: Bellingham High School CTE STEM teacher