Clémence Berson


Last update 01/2024


* English *

* Français

Current position

Senior Economist, European Central Bank

Research fields

Labour economics 

Wages, contracts, discrimination

Working Papers

Time-Varying Agglomeration Economies and Aggregate Wage Growth 

with P.-P. Combes, L. Gobillon and A. Sotura, 2023WP

The Cognitive Load of Financing Constraints: Evidence from Large Scale Wage Surveys

with R. Lardeux and C. Lelarge, 2021WP

Job-to-job flows and wage dynamics in France and Italy

with M. de Philippis and E. Viviano, 2020WP

Does Competition Induce Hiring Equity?


Work in progress

Energy shocks, job-to-job flows, and the skill premiumwith D. Arlia and C. Consolo


Peer-reviewed articles:

Outsourcing human resources as a solution to prevent discrimination: Evidence from a correspondence study

with M. Laouenan and E. Valatin Labour Economics, 2020, vol. 64Article | WP | WP (French) | VoxEU

Asymmetric wage adjustment and employment in European firms

with P. Marotzke, R. Anderton, A. Bairrao, P. Thoth, in The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, June 2020, vol. 20(2), pages 1-25Article | WP

Non-base wage components as a source of wage adaptability to shocks: Evidence from European firms, 2010-2013

with J. Babecky, L. Fadejeva, A. Lamo, P. Marotzke, F. Martins and P. Strzelecki, in IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2019, 8:1 Article | WP

Fixed-term contracts and labor market duality in France

in De Economist, December 2018, vol. 166 (4), pp. 455-476.Article

Local labor markets and taste-based discrimination

in IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 2016, vol. 5, n°1, pp. 1-21Article

Private vs Public Sector Wage Gap: Does Origin Matter?

in Metroeconomica, 2016, vol.67 (4), pp. 717-741Article | WP

Financial incentives and labor market duality

with N. Ferrari, in Labour Economics, December 2015, vol. 37, pp. 77-92Article | WP

Peer-reviewed articles (French):

Une simulation sur un modèle d’appariement : l’impact de l’article 4 de l’ANI de 2013 sur la segmentation du marché du travail

with N. Ferrari, in Economie et Prévision, 2017, n°211-212, pp. 115-137

Testing : la difficulté de l'interprétation de la discrimination à l'embauche

in Travail et Emploi, 2013, n°135, pp. 27-40   

Concurrence imparfaite et discrimination sur le marché du travail

in Revue Economique, May 2011, vol.62(3), pp. 409-417

Other articles:

Centraliser le recrutement, un moyen efficace de prévention des discriminations ?

with M. Laouenan and E. ValatLIEPP Policy brief #49, 2021Article

Shocks and wage adjustments

Quarterly selection of articleBanque de France bulletin, No. 231, 2020Article

Wage bargaining in Europe: A wide range of increasingly decentralised models since the crisis

with E. Jousselin, Quarterly selection of articlesBanque de France bulletin, No. 217, Summer 2018Article

Appréhender les discriminations avec la méthode du testing

Chroniques du CNIS : La mesure des discriminations dans l'emploi, mars 2018, p.5-6. Article

Does the Phillips curve still exist?

with L. de Charsonville, P. Diev, V. Faubert, L. Ferrara, S. Guilloux-Nefussi , Y. Kalantzis, A. Lalliard, J. Matheron and M. Mogliani Rue de la Banque, Banque de France, issue 56, february 2018Article

What policy to reduce labour market segmentation?

with N. Ferrari Rue de la Banque, No. 35, Décembre 2016Article

Les réformes des marchés du travail en Europe

with M-E. de la Serve Futuribles, 29 mars 2016Article

The labour market: institutions and reforms Summary of the third Labour Market Conference held in Aix-en-Provence on 1 and 2 December 2016 by the Aix-Marseille School of Economics and the Banque de France

with C. Malgouyres and S. RayQuarterly selection of articles, Banque de France Bulletin, No. 45, Summer 2017, pp. 45-52Article

The labour market: institutions and reforms. Summary of the fourth Labour Market Conference held in Paris on 3-4 December 2015, organised by the Aix-Marseille School of Economics and the Banque de France

with C. Malgouyres et S. Roux, Quarterly selection of articles Banque de France Bulletin, No. 42, Summer 2016, pp. 47-55Article

Labour markets: institutions and reforms Summary of the third Labour Market Conference held in Aix-en-Provence on 4 and 5 December 2014 by the Aix-Marseille School of Economics and the Banque de France

with S. Roux and G. Verdugo, Quarterly Selection of Articles Banque de France Bulletin, No. 38, Summer 2015, pp. 43-60Article

Other media:

Record labour participation: workforce gets older, better educated and more female

with V. BotelhoBlog post, The ECB blog, 2023

Job-to-job flows and wage dynamics

with E. BussonBlog post, Bloc-note éco, 2023

Women and labour during the Covid-19 crisis

Blog post, Bloc-note éco, 2021

Short-time work: a useful tool in times of crisis 

with H. Camatte and S. NevouxBlog post, Bloc-note éco, 2020

Emplois pérennes : fin de partie ?

Entendez-vous l'éco, France Culture, 17/12/2019Podcast

Where is euro area inflation in relation to the “Phillips cone”? 

with H. Camatte, A. Lalliard and J. LerouxBlog post, Bloc-note éco, 2019

Réduire la dualité du marché du travail pour réduire la précarité 

Tribune, Relais d'Opinion, mars 2019

The duality of the French labor market 

Blog post, Bloc-note éco, 2018