CLHS Project Graduation

Class of 2025 Project Graduation

Thursday, May 22nd - Friday, May 23rd 

11:55 PM - 6:00 AM

Main Event- Webster 

*CLHS Graduation is Thursday, May 22nd at 8:00 PM*

  What is Project Graduation and Why is it Important? 

Project Graduation was established more than 20 years ago in a small community in Maine after 18 graduates died in car-related accidents over the course of just a few years.  Since its inception, the program has been adopted by high schools throughout the country. PG provides a safe alternative to party hopping, keeping students off the road on a night that carries chilling statistics in terms of car accidents. This all night event allows parents to rest easy knowing that their graduate is celebrating safely. 

The PG Committee at CLHS is comprised of parents of CLHS students, all of whom volunteer to raise funds for the event.  Proceeds from the fundraising help to provide food, entertainment and prizes that motivate the students to attend and stay throughout the night, thus keeping them safe and off the roads. 

The success of Project Graduation relies not only on the volunteer efforts of many but also to the countless businesses and families in the community who make a difference by financially supporting the fundraising activities. We are currently seeking donations and volunteers for the event and would greatly appreciate your participation.  Your contribution is invaluable to our effort.  

Would you like to donate to Project Graduation?  We accept donations through PayPal.