
Doctor in Management Sciences specialized in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the University of Strasbourg, I am an associate professor at ICN Business School within the Strategy & Entrepreneurship Department and researcher at the BETA (Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée). I teach mainly Competitive Intelligence, Strategic Management, Decision-Making, Creativity, Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, and Risk Management. My PhD thesis focused on the driving factors for symbiotic strategic collaborations between startups and large firms in open innovation ecosystems. I am especially interested in issues related to startups and SMEs, to sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, collective creativity, and digital innovation. 

I have a multidisciplinary educational background and a 25-year career path in various business sectors, such as media industry (German radio), metal industry, textile, education and sport. Since 2009, I am also member of the Executive Board of a Limited Company. 

I publish research articles in high-quality esteemed journals (IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Innovations - Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, Entreprendre & Innover,...), regularly present my research work at internationally renowned academic conferences (IEEE ICE / IAMOT, OUI, EURAM, AIMS, AEI, R&D Management,…). I co-edited a collective book in 2023, published book chapters, and field-based case studies in Strategic Management, Decision Making, International Marketing, and Crisis Communication at The Case Center (EECH), United-Kingdom, and at the CCMP (Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques) in Paris. After successfully conducting a first funded research project, I am currently co-leading another one dedicated to responsible and innovative management in organizations.