May 2014

Post date: May 28, 2014 7:01:25 PM

Wow! How truly blessed and lucky we feel! We had an awesome start to our show season. We did great in WV - our young Deadly Sin buckling and doeling placed near the top of their classes and the doeling (Decadence) received reserve Jr. Division. Our buck - Circle P Strategic Marine won Overall Grand Champion buck two out of the three shows. Our Memorial Day weekend show - ESMGPA - in Syr. was a true success! Loved seeing our goat friends and catching up with everyone after a long winter. We were so grateful that our goats did so well! Many class and division wins - day 1 our Circle P Moonshine doe won Overall Reserve Champion Doe and our buck Circle P Marine won Overall Grand Champion buck. Excited that his offspring are hitting the ground now - can't wait to see how they grow and mature! Check out our Circle P Farm Facebook page for more specifics on our May shows and some pictures posted. Thanks!!!