CIIP International Certification Review (CIIP國際認證評論)

CIIP International Certification Review 


ISSN 2411-3247

An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 

Indexed / Listed at: International ISSN Directory, Paris

        This Review (International Journal) is an international certification review which with cross-interdisciplinary and cross-field, quarterly publishing within one year, covering business management, humanities, science and technology, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, cultural and creative, tourism, conference and exhibition, fashion, design, green management and other fields, expecting to provide a platform of cross interdisciplinary, cross field, so that the country-wide and the global professors, experts, scholars, graduate students, researchers publish regarding the above fields of research papers, case studies, book reviews and other professionals.  


        The ultimate goal is to establish an international certification model which is cross-interdisciplinary and cross field,  to combine theory and practice to help cultivating the π type talents who are cross-interdisciplinary and cross field for the  top one thousand large companies on the world.


        Since 2015, we cooperated with International Journal of Digital Humanities and Creative Innovation Management, IJDHCIM (ISSN: 2307-762X) as the sister journals. Since 2016, we also cooperated with International Journal of IJTLCCFD as the sister journals. CIIP means Cross Interdisciplinary Integrated Platform, it is desirable to provide global academia and industry through this a full English cross interdisciplinary, cross platform who published an academic theory and practice of the garden, and published in English through the Internet platform to the global, with international academic standards.

        2015年起,我們與人文數位與創意創新管理國際期刊 (International Journal of Digital Humanities and Creative Innovation Management,  IJDHCIM) ISSN: 2307-762結為姊妹期刊。2016年起我們再與觀光休閒文創時尚設計國際期刊(International Journal of Tourism Leisure Cultural Creative Fashion Design, IJTLCCFD)結為姊妹期刊。


       Since 2019, the journal has been published in two editions a year, from March to the end of December each year. If the manuscripts are insufficient or the quality of the submitted papers does not meet the standard of the journal, the publication can be postponed. The journal insists on all submissions Papers must meet international journal quality standards.


International Journal of Digital Humanities and Creative Innovation Management(IJDHCIM)官網:

International Journal of Tourism Leisure Cultural Creative Fashion Design (IJTLCCFD)官網: