2nd International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Business Collaboration (CI4BC)
affiliated with 5th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications
11-13 September 2013
Craiova, Romania
Workshop motivation
In the last couple of decades, there is a major shift from an industrial economy to an information economy. This has led to an enormous increase in competitiveness among companies, and new technology is needed to capitalise on the information economy. Computational intelligence is applied into the BPM to bridge the gap between the business world and information systems, especially in the context of business collaboration. This research trend includes emergent intelligent approaches from services into organisations, Semantic Web, ontology-based information systems, business integration, SOA, semantic web services discovery and composition, intelligent agents, cross-enterprise collaboration.
The aim of this workshop is to provide an internationally respected forum in order to bring together practitioners and researchers from both academia and industry for discussion and presentations on the current researches and future research directions related to this research area.
Theme and Topics
Theme and topics of interest of the proposed workshop:
Semantic Web
Ontology engineering
Computational Collective Intelligence
Business Process Management
Semantic Business Process Management
Collaborative Process Management
Business to Business Integration
Cross-enterprise collaboration
Ontological Information Systems
Web Services and SOA
Semantic Web Services
Modeling and Systems Analysis
Management Information Systems
Corporate Knowledge Management
Ontological Knowledge Management
Ontological Knowledge Representation
Ontological Knowledge Integration
Semantic Cloud computing
Semantic Parallel Computing
Submission Instruction
The papers will be reviewed by CI4BC International Program Committee. The best submissions accepted for this workshop will be published in the ICCCI conference proceedings. The papers should present original and unpublished research. The conference proceedings will be published in the prestigious series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and distributed by Springer-Verlag. Please follow the author instructions given at the ICCCI site (http://software.ucv.ro/ICCCI2013/for_authors.html) to format and submit your paper. Authors are invited to electronically submit their paper (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccci2013). All paper submissions will be done electronically, as indicated in the instructions on the conference web site.
Workshop Organizers
Jason J. Jung, Yeungnam University, Korea, j2jung@gmail.com
Huu-Hanh Hoang, Hue University, Vietnam, hanh@hueuni.edu.vn
Workshop Schedule and Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission: March 31, 2013
Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2013
Camera ready papers submission: May 31, 2013
Conference date: September 11-13, 2013
Program Committee
Costin Badica (University of Craiova, Romania)
Grzegorz Nalepa (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Yue-San Chang (National Taipei of University, Taiwan)
Dariusz Krol (Wrocław University of Technology, Poland)
Xinhua Zhu (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
Viorel Milea (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Leon S.L. Wang (National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
Tzung-pei Hong (National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
Thanh Binh Nguyen (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria)
Hong Linh Truong (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Post-publication Plan
A number of best papers will be selected to be published on a special issue on international journal. (to be announced).
Prof. Jason J. Jung
Department of Computer Engineering
Yeungnam University
Dae-Dong, Gyeungsan, Korea, 712-749
E-mail Address: j2jung@intelligent.pe.kr, j2jung@gmail.com
Dr Hanh H. Hoang
Hue University
3 Le Loi Street, Hue City, Vietnam
Tel: +84 54 383 4996, Mobile: +84 90 5885 090
E-mail Address: hhhanh@hueuni.edu.vn, hhhanh@gmail.com