Charlotte Chunming Meng 

I am currently a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Quantitative Methods in the School of Business and Management at Queen Mary University of London. 

My research focuses on business surveys, firm expectations, management practices, and productivity, aiming to understand and explain management practices to promote higher productivity among businesses. My other research interest lies at the intersection of urban economics and behavioural sciences. My PhD thesis conducts micro-econometrical analysis of household’s housing decisions, with a special focus on the impact of behavioural biases, such as loss aversion and inattention.

I hold a PhD and an MPhil from the University of Cambridge, as well as a BA from Renmin University of China.


- ERES Award for the Best Doctoral Student Paper, 2017

- ADBI Special Prize for the Best Paper on Urbanization in Asia, AREUEA, 2016


Academic CV (Jan 2023)