In the Name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity. Amen.
Believing that Almighty God is the source of all power and authority in civil government, that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Ruler of nations, and that the revealed will of God is the supreme authority in civil affairs; perceiving that the forces of unbelief and pluralism have labored diligently to divorce America from her Christian heritage and Biblical law; and viewing with deep alarm the resulting corruption of our politics, the moral chaos of our society, the loss of our liberties, the apathy of our citizens, and the impending judgment of God upon this nation for its deliberate and grievous rejection of the lordship of Christ and the authority of His Word, we the members of the Christian Liberty Party hereby solemnly and mutually in the presence of God and of one another covenant, combine and associate ourselves together under the terms of the following articles, that we may labor together through all wise and lawful means for the accomplishment of the ends herein set forth.*
*Adapted from the "Preamble to the National Reform Association Constitution," in William O. Einwecther, ed., Explicitly Christian Politics (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: The Christian Statesman Press, 1997), 254.
The name of this association shall be "Christian Liberty Party," which shall hereinafter also be referred to as the "National Party," the "Party," or the "CLP."
The purpose of the Christian Liberty Party shall be
to establish in every state an orderly association of families as a Christian political party;
to promote the Biblical principles of self and civil government, and the establishment of godly order in society;
to restore to America’s citizens the knowledge and responsibility of her Christian heritage;
to equip individuals and families in the vocation of citizenship; and,
to elect qualified leaders and candidates who understand and operate according to the standard of God’s Word.
The Comprehensive Vision defines and directs the philosophy, message, method and structure of the Christian Liberty Party. Amendments to the Comprehensive Vision shall be referred to the Political Advisory Committee and adopted by a three-fifths vote of the National Committee. The Guardian Committee shall audit the Comprehensive Vision and report its findings and recommendations to the National Committee at least once every four years.
The Principles constitutes a statement of the Party’s view of God, man and government deduced from the Holy Bible. It is upon these Principles that this party exists and acts. The Principles of the CLP form the foundation of the Platform issues. On the basis of the Principles and Platform, we produce a Program that attacks the cutting-edge issues of the day and develops the apologetic and the solution. The Principles must conform to and agree with the Holy Bible and shall be amended by the same criteria as required to amend this Constitution.
The Platform of the Christian Liberty Party is derived from the deliberate and systematic application of our Biblical worldview and our Digest of Principles to the relevant political, governmental and social issues of the day. The Party Platform at all levels – national, state, and county – must remain consistent with the Purpose, Vision and Principles of the Christian Liberty Party. Proposed amendments to the Platform shall be submitted by the Political Advisory Committee and adopted by a three-fifths vote of the National Committee. The Guardian Committee shall audit the Party Platform and report its findings and recommendations to the National Committee at least once every four years.
The Program of the Christian Liberty Party flows from the Party’s Principles and Platform, and articulates its action-oriented, reformist political agenda, its polemic and apologetic. The Program shall consist of the specific points and issues upon which the Party will concentrate its action and its attack upon the secular humanist system. The emphasis of the Program will be to uncover and expose the humanist foundations (unbelief) in society and government and to unveil the answer the Gospel gives.
Amendments to the Party Program shall be referred to the Political Advisory Committee and adopted by a three-fifths vote of the National Committee. The Guardian Committee shall audit the Party Program and report its findings and recommendations to the National Committee at least once every four years.
Each Party leader and candidate for public office shall meet these qualifications. They shall apply at all levels – national, state, and county. The term Party leader includes all members of the governing committee at a given level – national, state, or county – and its committees and elected convention officers.
Section 7.1: General Requirements
He is a member of the Christian Liberty Party in the geographic territory represented.
He believes in the triune God of the Holy Bible and has a credible profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
He acknowledges the authority of God’s Word the Bible, making a diligent effort to read, study and apply it to private and public life.
He is in strong agreement with the Party Purpose, Vision, Principles, Platform and Program.
He regularly attends a local church.
He presents references by a pastor or church leader, and two other references.
Section 7.2: Character & Moral Qualifications:
He fears God (Ex. 18:21).
He is truthful (Ex. 18:21).
He hates unjust gain (Ex. 18:21).
He has a good reputation (I Tim. 3:7).
He is self-governed (I Tim 3:2).
He is not quarrelsome (I Tim. 3:3).
He is not extravagant (Deut. 17:15).
He does not lead others to sin (Deut. 17:16).
He is humble and his heart is not lifted up above others (Deut. 17:20).
Section 7.3: Leadership Qualifications:
He is capable (Ex. 18:21).
He is wise and understanding (Deut. 1:15).
He is able to teach; he is an effective communicator (I Tim 3:2; Heb. 5.12).
He is faithful; he is reliable and trustworthy (II Tim. 2.2).
Section 7.4: Scholastic Qualifications:
Amendments to the Scholastic Qualifications shall be referred to the Education Committee and adopted by the National Committee.
Section 7.5: Oath of Office:
All Party Leaders shall give the oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of the Christian Liberty Party into which I am about to enter, in dedicated and faithful pursuance of the ends set forth in the constitution thereof, in a solemn act of devotion to Jesus Christ and of duty to my country, so help me God."
The National Committee shall consist of
two representatives from each constituent state party, elected by their respective State Committee,
the three elected members of the Political Advisory Committee, and
the four executive officers – National Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Chairman shall appoint the Secretary and Treasurer, subject to two-thirds approval by the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the four executive officers and three other members of the National Committee elected by the National Committee.
The Guardian Committee shall ensure that the policies of the Party remain true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that they are Biblically sound, and shall ensure that the Principles, Purpose and Vision of the party remain true to the Purpose as set forth in this Constitution. This committee shall be responsible for approving all amendments to the Constitution and Principles by a three-fourths vote and all emergency amendments to the national Bylaws passed by the Executive Committee; and shall conduct, at minimum every four years, an audit of the party Vision, Platform and Program.
The Guardian Committee shall consist of four to nine members of the Christian Liberty Party who shall not be National Committee members. Guardian Committee members shall serve eight years or until their successors are elected, with as close as possible to half of them being elected every four years. The Guardian Committee shall elect its own members subject to two-thirds approval by the National Committee. In the event that there are no members on the Guardian Committee, the National Committee shall elect its members. The Guardian Committee shall elect its own Chairman and Secretary and shall meet at one physical location at least once every four years. Other meetings may be by teleconference or videoconference.
Each constituent state party shall subscribe to the Purpose, Vision, Principles, Platform and Program of the Christian Liberty Party and adopt a State Constitution and Bylaws based on model state documents adopted by the National Committee. The name of each constituent state party shall be the "Christian Liberty Party of (state name)."
The Bylaws of the Christian Liberty Party shall expand on the provisions of this Constitution but shall not supersede it.
The official dictionary of the Christian Liberty Party shall be the American Dictionary of the English Language by Noah Webster, 1828. Important terms related to government or to political philosophy shall be defined by this dictionary or by the CLP Standard Definitions Document. The Standard Definitions Document shall be amended by the National Committee.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the National, State and County Parties in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution, the CLP Bylaws or any Special Rules of Order the National Committee may adopt.
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote with notice, or four-fifths vote without notice, at any National Committee meeting, subject to three-fourths approval by the Guardian Committee. The Executive Committee may not act for the National Committee in this duty.
Adopted at the Organizing Convention of the American Heritage Party,
at Olympia, Washington,
on June 23rd, in the Year of our Lord, Two Thousand
and of the Independence of the United States of America, Two Hundred Twenty-Four.
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names,
Daniel Eby, Convention Chairman
Cheryl Rogers, Convention Secretary
Amended February 27, 2010.
Amended September 18, 2010 to Christian Liberty Party.