Dr. Ron C. Chiang is an Assistant Professor at the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota. His passion for advancing technology and sharing the latest knowledge with others leads him to a career in higher education. To promote the common good, he works at the intersection of computing technology and humanity. His research interest is in the general areas of Algorithm, Computer Systems, and how to apply technologies to solve real-world problems. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the George Washington University.

Recent Research:

  • DAAC 2018 -- Contention-Aware Container Placement Strategy for Docker Swarm
  • ICPA 2018 -- Weed Detection among Crops by Convolutional Neural Networks with Sliding Windows
  • ICPA 2018 -- Precision Agriculture Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Farming
  • SC 2015 -- IOrchestra: Supporting High-Performance Data-Intensive Applications in the Cloud via Collaborative Virtualization
  • IEEE TSC 2015 -- An Adaptive IO Prefetching Approach for Virtualized Data Centers
  • ICAC 2014 -- Matrix: Achieving Predictable Virtual Machine Performance in the Clouds
  • IEEE TPDS 2014 -- Swiper: Exploiting Virtual Machine Vulnerability in Third-Party Clouds with Competition for I/O Resources
  • CLOUD 2014 -- UniCache: Hypervisor Managed Data Storage in RAM and Flash
  • ICPP 2014 -- Xentry: Hypervisor-Level Soft Error Detection


Grants & Awards:

  • IBM Academic Initiative - Bluemix platform - 2015-2017
  • Amazon AWS Educator and Student Credits - 2015-2016
  • Best Student Paper Award Finalist of SC11
  • A “Best of the HotPower” paper at HotPower11
  • Awarded housing and registration grant from SC11
  • Being selected to participate in the SC11 Student Volunteer Program
  • Distinguished Performance Award for Technology from the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2005
  • Summa Cum Laude, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tamkang University


  • Memory Space Utilization Method for Highly Efficient Java Application Management and Installation Method Thereof,” Patent no. I234739
