Ira O. Baker

Ira O. Baker

Ira Osborn Baker was born on September 23, 1853 in Litton, Indiana. In March of 1871, he enrolled at the Illinois Industrial University (later renamed University of Illinois) in civil engineering. He was one of the 5 engineers among the university’s 19 graduates in June 1874. Baker was awarded a bachelor degree in civil engineering as a civil engineer in 1878 and an honorary doctor of engineering degree in 1903.

Baker assumed a teaching position in civil engineering and physics after receiving his bachelor degree, beginning a 48-year faculty career at the University of Illinois. For 39 of these years, he was head of the civil engineering department. During Baker’s teaching years, he developed the first comprehensive textbook published in English dealing with concrete foundation methods and principles - “Treatise on Masonry Construction” in 1889.

Professor Ira Osborn Baker was a chapter honor member of Chi Epsilon. He “gave moral support to the idea of a departmental honorary fraternity and on May 20, 1922, the Council of the University granted permission to the petitioning group of 25 charter members to found the Chi Epsilon Fraternity.