Reproduction - "Upper Myra Falls"

Post date: May 13, 2013 2:50:47 PM

Still a work in progress: I can't spread my paints out till after my move at the end of May!

I chose my reproduction painting assignment subject from a local BC artist that produces wonderful landscape paintings (see Brent Lynch's website).

I was drawn to his use of color and loose handling of paint, and thought this "style" might be a good lesson for me to work within. Also, I was excited to paint a Vancouver Island location- even though I was working on a painting of a painting of Upper Myra Falls (Strathcona Prov. Park), rather than working up a plein air style piece!

18" x 30"

Oil on canvas

I read this article of how Brent Lynch created his painting and aimed to employ similar techniques.

First, I under-painted by sketching out the form in burnt sienna, then I loosely applied a very thin layer of vibrant, drippy paint.

Much more to do!