
  1. Sunder Ram Krishnan, the first M.Sc. (Engineering) student to graduate from Spectrum Lab won The Hay Medal of the IISc for the year 2013-2014 for his outstanding research thesis on "Optimum Savitzky-Golay Filtering for Signal Estimation."

  2. Subhadip Mukherjee from our lab is awarded the Prof. ISN Murthy medal (by IISc) for outstanding performance in Master of Engineering (for the year 2011-2012).

  3. Sunder Ram Krishnan received a CSIR grant for international travel, to attend the SAPA SCALE 2012 workshop.

  4. Sunder Ram Krishnan received a DST grant for international travel, to attend the SAPA SCALE 2012 workshop.

  5. Harini Kishan and Ravindra Hegadi are awarded the IEEE SPS Travel grant for attending International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2012). Congratulations to Harini and Ravindra! Thanks to IEEE SPS! Ravindra was an Indian Academy of Sciences summer fellow in our lab.

  6. Adithya Kumar Pediredla awarded the N. R. Khambhati Memorial Award for the academic year 2010-2011. Adithya Kumar Pediredla is the first student to graduate out of our lab.

  7. Subhadip Mukherjee and Harini Kishan received the IEEE SPS Travel Grant Awards to attend ICASSP 2012.

  8. Aditya Kumar Pediredla (ME SSA student) from our lab received the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Innovative Students Project Award for his Masters thesis. He graduated from our lab in July 2011.

  9. Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula won the DST Young Scientist International Travel Fellowship awards for attending Interspeech 2011 (Italy) and ISPA 2011 (Croatia).

  10. Intellectual Ventures Invention Award for the invention, "Level-crossing computation technique for analog signals," 2011.

  11. Intellectual Ventures Invention Award for the invention, "Multiband AM-FM-based speech/audio coder," 2011; Jointly with T.V. Sreenivas.

  12. Intellectual Ventures Invention Award for the invention, "Multimodal density estimation approach to formant tracking," 2010; Jointly with Harshavardhan Sundar and T. V. Sreenivas.

  13. Haricharan Aragonda received the IEEE SPS Travel Grant to attend ICASSP 2011.

  14. Haricharan Aragonda received the first prize in the 2010 IEEE India M.V. Chauhan student paper contest for the paper titled, "Quadrature approximations in R2."

  15. IBM India Research Labs Research Student Fellowship Award (2001-2004).

  16. First prize in the 2001 IEEE Bangalore Chapter Student paper contest for the paper titled, “Improved robustness of zero-crossing based frequency estimation.”

  17. Special prize in the 2004 IEEE India M.V. Chauhan student paper contest for the paper titled, “A contraction mapping technique for instantaneous frequency estimation.”

  18. Best Thesis Award for the undergraduate dissertation titled, “Estimation of Eigensubspace,” 1999.

  19. Best Student Award from Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Osmania University, Andhra Pradesh, India, 1999.

  20. Prof. K.K. Nair Commemoration Gold Medal (Undergraduate studies) from Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Osmania University, Andhra Pradesh, India, 1999.

  21. 1999 Srinivasa Ramanujam Gold Medal at the Undergraduate State-level Mathematics Olympiad, Andhra Pradesh, India, conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Association of Mathematics Teachers.

  22. 1998 Srinivasa Ramanujam Gold Medal at the Undergraduate State-level Mathematics Olympiad, Andhra Pradesh, India, conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Association of Mathematics Teachers.

  23. 1997 Srinivasa Ramanujam Gold Medal at the Undergraduate State-level Mathematics Olympiad, Andhra Pradesh, India, conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Association of Mathematics Teachers.

  24. First prize at a student paper contest conducted by The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Hyderabad, for the paper titled, "A new DFT-based thresholding technique for signal denoising," 1998.