Working Papers

Causal Narratives (with Constantin Charles)

(Supplemental Material)

(Previous Version)

Media coverage: Financial Times

Noisy Foresight (with Anujit Chakraborty

revise and resubmit, Journal of the European Economic Association

Future Self-Proof Elicitation Mechanisms (with Anujit Chakraborty)

revise and resubmit, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

The Common Good and Voter Polarization (with John G. Matsusaka)

revise and resubmit, Journal of the European Economic Association

Political Parties as Drivers of U.S. Polarization: 1927-2018 (with Nathan Canen and Francesco Trebbi)

revise and resubmit, Journal of Political Economy

Senate 2D Ideologies; Senate 1D Ideologies; House 1D Ideologies  

Refereed Publications

On the Complexity of Forming Mental Models (with Ryan Oprea)

Quantitative Economics, 2024, 15 (1), 175-211

Herding and Contrarianism: A Matter of Preference?

Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, 105(1), 190-205  Online Appendix

Unbundling Polarization (with Nathan Canen and Francesco Trebbi)

Econometrica, 2020, 88(3), 1197-1233 Online Appendix

Market Panics, Frenzies, and Informational Efficiency: Theory and Experiment

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2020, 12(3) 76-115

The Time Cost of Information in Financial Markets

Journal of Economic Theory, 2018, 176, 118-157 Online Appendix

Are Biased Beliefs Fit to Survive? An Experimental Test of the Market Selection Hypothesis  (with Ryan Oprea)

Journal of Economic Theory, 2018, 176, 342-371

 How Do Voters Respond to Information? Evidence from a Randomized Campaign (with Tommaso Nannicini and Francesco Trebbi)

American Economic Review, 2015, 105(1), 322-353 Online appendix

Incumbency Advantages in the Canadian Parliament (with Marie Rekkas)

 Canadian Journal of Economics, 2012, 45(4), 1560-1585

Chad Kendall

Associate Professor, Herbert Business School, University of Miami

NBER Faculty Research Fellow, Political Economy Program




Mailing address: 

PO Box 248126

Coral Gables, FL, 33124-6550


Jenkins 517-K

Research Interests

Political Economy,

Experimental economics,

