Hierarchical Multi-Label Software and Datasets

Funcat Datasets (Tree Structure) to be used with HMC-LMLP

Cellcycle Church Derisi Eisen Gasch1 Gasch2 Pheno Spo Expr Seq

Gene Ontology Datasets (DAG Structure) to be used with HMC-LMLP

Cellcycle Church Derisi Eisen Gasch1 Gasch2 Pheno Spo Expr Seq

Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification with Local Multi-Layer Perceptron - HMC-LMLPv1 (Cerri et. al., 2014)

HMC-LMLPv1 source code

Example of configuration file to be used with HMC-LMLPv1

Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification with Local Multi-Layer Perceptron - HMC-LMLP (Cerri et. al., 2016)

HMC-LMLP-Predicted source code

Example of configuration file to be used with HMC-LMLP-Predicted (Funcat)

Example of configuration file to be used with HMC-LMLP-Predicted (Gene Ontology)

Relational Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification with a Genetic Algorithm - RHMC-GA (Cerri et. al, 2014)

RHMC-GA source code

Example of configuration file to be used with RHMC-GA

With RHMC-GA, please use the .arff dataset files available at the KUL Machine Learning Research Group web page

Additional scripts to construct precision-recall curves and calculate the evaluation measures

statisticsHMC source code (Compute additional statistics from the results of HMC-LMLPv1)

Example of configuration file to be used with statisticsHMC

R script to create Precision-Recall curves (PR curves)

R script to calculate the weighted average of the areas under the individual PR curves

Execution instructions can be found in the source code of each script

Multi-Label Protein Subcellular Localization

Materials and results for Multi-Label Protein Subcellular Localization experiments

Self-Organizing Maps for Multi-Label Classification

Complementary Material for Self-Organizing Maps for Multi-Label Classification