Our Reserch


During locomotion on a substrate, an attached cell extends lamellipodia and filopodia, which are induced via the Rho family small G-proteins Rac and Cdc42, respectively. In both pseudopodium, dynamics of actin filaments and their accompanying accessory proteins have been described; however, the roles of these proteins have not been well-defined in cell locomotion. "We are trying to uncover the molecular engine in a locomoting cell."

Selected Figures


In the embryo, neuroblasts generated various types of neurons, such as motor-, inter-, and sensory neurons. These neurons elongate their axons to form the embryonic nerve system. Holometabolous insects drastically reorganized the structure and function of their CNS during metamorphosis. In this process, neurites including axons and dendrites retract and start elongation to new targets. "We are challenging to analyze the mechanism of neurite dynamics."

sample figure 1

From Tominaga et al., 2010.

From Nakagawa et. al., 2006

Selected publications

M. Sumiyoshi, S. Sato, Y. Takeda, K. Sumida, K. Koga, T. Itoh, H. Nakagawa, Y. Shimohigashi, M. Shimohigashi (2011) A Circadian Neuropeptide PDF in the Honeybee, Apis mellifera: cDNA Cloning and Expression of mRNA. Zoological Science. 28:897-909.

M. Tominaga, E Nishihara, T. Oogami, M. Iwasaki, Y. Takagi, M. Shimohigashi and H. Nakagawa (2010) Neurite elongation from Drosophila neural BG2-c6 cells stimulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone. Neurosci. Lett. 482: 250-254.

H. Nakagawa, H. Suzuki, S. Machida, J. Suzuki, K. Ohashi, M. Jin, S. Miyamoto and A. G. Terasaki (2009) Contribution of the LIM Domain and Nebulin-repeats to the Interaction of Lasp-2 with Actin Filaments and Focal Adhesions. PLoS ONE 20: e7530.

Nakagawa, H., Terasaki, A. G., Suzuki, H., Ohashi, K., and Miyamoto, S. (2006) Short-term retention of actin filament binding proteins on lamellipodial actin bundles. FEBS Lett.580: 3223-3228.

Terasaki, A., Suzuki, H., Nishioka, T., Matsuzawa, E., Nakagawa, H., Miyamoto, S., and Ohashi, K. (2004) A novel LIM and SH3 protein (lasp-2) highly expressing in chicken brain. Biochem. Biophys .Res. Com. 313: 48-54.

Nakagawa, H., Miki, H., Nozumi, M., Takenawa, T., Miyamoto, S., Wehland, J., and Small, J. V. (2003) IRSp53 is co-localised with WAVE2 at the tips of protruding lamellipodia and filopodia independently of Mena. J. Cell Sci. 116:2577-2583.

Nakagawa H, Miki H, Ito M, Ohashi K, Takenawa T, Miyamoto S. (2001) N-WASP, WAVE and Mena play different roles in the organization of actin cytoskeleton in lamellipodia. J. Cell Sci. 114:1555-1565.

Nakagawa, H., and Miyamoto, S. (1998) Actin-filaments localize on the sorting endosomes of 3Y1 fibroblastic cells. Cell Struc. Func. 23:283-290.