Canadian Experimental and Behavioural Economics Research Group


Since our inaugural meeting in 2004 at the University of Calgary, researchers of the Canadian Experimental and Behavioural Economics Research Group (CEBERG) have been meeting to present and discuss scholarly work in the area of Experimental and Behavioural Economics. We regularly organize sessions and hold our annual meeting during the Canadian Economics Association (CEA) annual conference. 

We gratefully acknowledge support received from the Canadian Economics Association which has allowed us to fund CEBERG events.

Get Involved

Presentation Sessions: If you are interested in presenting at CEBERG sessions, please submit your paper on the annual CEA conference website and indicate in the comments box that you would like to be considered for a CEBERG session. 

Mailing List: CEBERG runs an email listserv to inform economists interested in Experimental and Behavioural Economics about our annual conference sessions. If you would like your email added to the CEBERG mailing list, please click the registration button below.

Contact Us: 

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