Dr. Carmen Saldana

Beatriu de Pinós Postdoctoral Research Felow @

Department of Translation and Language Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University

Contact me @ carmencatalina.saldana@upf.edu

OSF: osf.io/3zm7y/

Find my short CV here


I am an experimental morphologist and evolutionary linguist.  Currently I am a  Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Translation and Language Science at Pompeu Fabra University. I am a member of the Computational Linguistics and Linguistics Theory research unit, where I research the cognitive constraints that shape language structure using experimental methods and quantitative typology.  In particular, I investigate the impact of human cognition on cross-linguistic regularities in  morphology and their evolution over time.

Previously I was a postdoctoral fellow and lecturer at the University of Zurich (2019-2024), within the Distributional Lingusitics Lab (PI:  Balthasar Bickel). Before that, I collaborated in two ERC projects at the University of Edinburgh (2018-2019), The Evolution of Linguistic Complexity (PI: Kenny Smith) and SYNCOG (PI: Jennifer Culbertson). I hold a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Edinburgh (2018).

General research interests: Morphology; Morpheme order; Morphological paradigms; Morphosemantics; Agreement features; Experimental Linguistics; Typology; Linguistic universals; Linguistic diversity; Computational cognitive modelling; Comparative cognition; Bayesian statistics; Open Science.








Up to 2018


I have taught a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Edinburgh (2014-2018) , the University of Zurich (2019-2023) and soon at Pompeu Fabra University  (from 2024): Linguistic Theory from an Evolutionary Perspective (UZH), Current Advances in Evolutionary Linguistics (UZH), Morphology (UZH), Conditions of Language Dynamics (UZH), Introduction to Linguistics and English Language (UoE), Foundations of Language (UoE), Phonetic Analysis and Empirical Methods (UoE), Cross-linguistic variation (UoE), First Language Acquisition (UoE),  Second Language Acquisition (UoE), Child Bilingualism (UoE), and  Origins and Evolution of Language (UoE).