As schools are moving away from the traditional professional development modes of offering one-size fits all workshops, they are turning to coaching as a way to offer “authentic learning that provides differentiated support for professional learning.” (Jim Knight, Coaching: Approaches and Perspectives 2009)School improvement is a collaborative effort and all members of a school community benefit by understanding the role of coaching and coaching strategies as part of professional practice. Additionally teachers and administrators can use coaching conversations to support each other in their professional goals and growth. This workshop will include discussions and sharing around what it means to ‘coach’ colleagues. Participants will have a clearer understanding of their role in coaching their peers (formally and/or informally) and coaching’s impact on professional growth and gain practical strategies and resources to support and build their capacity in coaching (particularly in regard to coaching conversations). This workshop is not limited to those with 'coach' in their job title or job description and is open to anyone who provides support for their colleagues in growing professionally.
(workshop presentation at Qatar Foundation Mini-NESA, November 21, 2017)
Photo Credit: Marc Wathieu via Compfight cc