
Articles in newspapers and magazines (see here)

prp = peer-reviewed paper

p = non-peer-reviewed paper

b = book

prb = peer-reviewed book

eb = edited book

tb= translated book

teb= translated and edited book

ej = edited journal issue

prc = peer-reviewed contribution in book

c = non-peer-reviewed contribution in book


1) C.B., U. Bruzzo, “Cohomology of supermanifolds”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 28 (1987), 2363-2368 [prp].

2) C.B., U. Bruzzo, “Some remarks on the differential-geometric approach to supermanifolds”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 4 (1987), 391-404 [prp].


3) C.B., U. Bruzzo, “Cohomology of the structure sheaf of real and complex supermanifolds”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 29 (1988), 1789-1795 (“Erratum”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 30 (1989), 1951) [prp].

4) C.B., U. Bruzzo, “Cohomological methods in supermanifold theory”, in: Group theoretical methods in physics (Varna, 1987), Lecture Notes in Phys. 313, H.D. Doebner, J.D. Hennig, T.D. Palev eds, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988, pp. 109-115 [prc].


5) C.B., “Foundations of super vector bundles”, in: Proceedings of the conference on differential geometry and its applications (Dubrovnik, 26/6 - 3/7/1988), E. Bolkan et al. eds, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad 1989, pp. 15-21 [prc].

6) C.B., U. Bruzzo, “Existence of connections on superbundles”, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 17 (1989), 61-68 [prp].

7) C.B., U. Bruzzo, “Super line bundles”, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 17 (1989), 263-274 [prp].

8) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, “A remark on a new category of supermanifolds”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 6 (1989), 509-516 [prp]

9) C.B., U. Bruzzo, G. Landi, “Geometry of standard constraints and Weil triviality in supersymmetric gauge theories”, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 18 (1989), 235-245 [prp].

10) C.B., U. Bruzzo, “On DeWitt supermanifolds and their Picard variety”, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Sér. I Mathématiques, 309 (1989), 75-80 [prp].

11) C.B., “Some topics in the theory of super line bundles”, in: Proceedings of the 8th Italian conference on general relativity and gravitational physics (Cavalese, 1988), M. Cerdonio et al. eds, World Scientific 1989, pp. 582-588 [prc].

12) C.B., U. Bruzzo, G. Landi, “Cohomology of supermanifolds, standard constraints and quantum anomalies”, in: Proceedings of the XVIIth International Conference on Differential-Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics (Chester,12-19/8/1988), A.I. Solomon ed., World Scientific 1989, pp. 185-196 [prc].


13) C.B., U. Bruzzo, G. Landi, “Chern-Simons forms on principal super fibre bundles”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 31 (1990), 45-54 [prp].

14) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, “Some results on line bundles over SUSY-curves”, in: Differential geometric methods in theoretical physics (Proceedings, Tahoe City 1989), L.L. Chau and W. Nahm eds, Plenum Publ. Corp., New York 1990, pp. 667-672 [prc].


15) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, The geometry of supermanifolds, “Mathematics and its applications” vol. 71, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Boston/London 1991 [b].

16) Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics (Rapallo, 19-24/VI/1990), ed. by C.B., U. Bruzzo, R. Cianci, “Lectures Notes in Physics", 375, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1991 [eb].


17) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, “Products and vector bundles in the category of G-supermanifolds”, Siberian mathematical Journal, 34 (1992), 1-9 [originally published in Russian: “Proizvedeniya i vektornye rassloeniya v kategorii G-supermnogoobrazi”, Sibirskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal, 34 (1991)] [prp].

18) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, V.G. Pestov, “An axiomatic approach to supermanifolds”, Soviet Math. Doklady, 44 (1992), 744-747 [originally published in Russian: “Ob aksiomaticheskom podhode k supermnogoobraziyam”, Doklady Math. Akademii Nauk SSSR, 321 (1991), 649-652] [prp].


19) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, V.G. Pestov, “Foundations of supermanifold theory: the axiomatic approach”, Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 3 (1993), 135-155 [prp].

20) C.B., “Instantons on K3 surfaces”, in: Proceedings of the XIXth International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Anales de Física (Monografías), M.A. del Olmo et al. eds, Madrid 1993, vol. II, pp. 64-67 [prc].

21) M. Delbrück, La materia e la mente, transl. by C.B., Einaudi, Torino 1993 [tb].

22) A.Weil, Teoria dei numeri, transl. and ed. by C.B., Einaudi, Torino 1993 [teb].

23). S. Weinberg, Alla ricerca delle leggi ultime della fisica, transl. and annotated by C. B., Il Melangolo, Genova 1993 [teb].


24) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, “Fourier-Mukai transform and index theory”, Manuscripta Mathematica, 85 (1994), 141-163 [prp].

25) C.B., “Mukai-Nahm transform on K3 surfaces”, in: Proceedings of the 10th Italian conference on general relativity and gravitational physics (Bardonecchia, 1992), M. Francaviglia et al. eds, World Scientific 1994, pp. 29-35 [prc].

26) A. Weil, Ricordi di apprendistato transl. and ed. by C.B., Einaudi, Torino 1994 [teb].


27) H. Poincaré, Geometria e caso: scritti scientifici, transl. and ed. by C.B., Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 1995 (reprinted 2005, 2009; 2nd ed. 2019) [teb]

27bis) C.B., “Equazioni e orbite celesti”, introduction to: H. Poincaré, Geometria e caso: scritti scientifici, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 1995, pp. I-L [c].


28) C.B., U. Bruzzo, M. Carfora, A. Marzuoli, “Entropy of random coverings and 4-D quantum gravity”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 18 (1996), 247-294 [prp]

29) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, “A novel approach to the study of moduli spaces of instantons on K3 surfaces”, in: Proceedings of the 11th Italian conference on general relativity and gravitational physics (Trieste, 26-30/IX/1994), M. Carfora et al. eds, World Scientific 1996, pp. 73-87 [prc].

30) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, V.G. Pestov, “Supermanifold theory: towards a unifying approach”, in: Proceedings of the IV Workshop de Outono: Xeometría diferencial e as suas aplicacións (Santiago de Campostela, 18-20/IX/1995), Anales de Física - Monografías 3, 1996, pp. 1-17 [prc].


31) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, “A Fourier-Mukai transform for stable bundles on K3 surfaces”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 486 (1997), 1-16 [prp].

32) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, “Moduli of reflexive K3 surfaces”, in: Complex Analysis and Geometry (Trento 1995), V. Ancona et al. eds, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics 366, Longman, Harlow 1997, pp. 60-68 [prc].

33) H. Poincaré, Scienza e metodo, transl., critically ed. and annotated by C.B., Einaudi, Torino 1997 [teb].

33bis) C. B., “La geometria del sapere”, introduction to: H. Poincaré, Scienza e metodo, Einaudi, Torino 1997, pp. 1-15 [c].


34) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, V.G. Pestov, “Quotient supermanifolds”, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 58 (1998), 107-120 [prp].

35) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, “Existence of µ-stable bundles on K3 surfaces and the Fourier-Mukai transform”, in: Algebraic Geometry (Catania 1993/Barcelona 1994), P. Newstead ed., Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 200, M. Dekker, New York 1998, pp. 245-257 [prc].

36) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, “A hyperkähler Fourier transform”, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 8 (1998), 239-249 [prp].

37) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, J. Muñoz Porras, “Mirror symmetry on K3 surfaces via Fourier-Mukai transform”, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 195 (1998), 79-93 [prp].


38) C.B., U. Bruzzo, G. Sanguinetti, “Categorial mirror symmetry for K3 surfaces”, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 206 (1999), 265-272 [prp].


39) B. Greene, L'universo elegante, transl. by L. Civalleri (chaps. I-VII) and C. B. (chaps. VIII-XV), ed. by C.B., Einaudi, Torino 2000 (shortlisted for the 2001 “Premio Monselice per la traduzione scientifica”) [teb].

40) C.B., “Ricordo di André Weil”, Lettera matematica Pristem, 36, 2000, p. 57 [p]


41) C.B., I. Biswas, “Higgs bundles and the Fourier-Mukai transform”, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 25 (2001), 201-207 [prp].


42) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, J. Muñoz Porras, “Relatively stable bundles over elliptic fibrations”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 238 (2002), 23-36 [prp].

43) C.B., “La geometria dei sistemi integrabili”, Lettera Matematica Pristem, 44, giugno 2002, 22-28 [p].

44) C.B., “L’ombra negata. Dimostrazioni matematiche e immaginazione visiva”, in: Il pensiero visivo, Atti del convegno (Villa Reale, Monza, 15-17 marzo 2001), G. Di Napoli ed., Istituto statale d'Arte, Monza 2002, pp. 129-147 [c].


45) C.B., M. Jardim, “A Nahm transform for instantons over ALE spaces”, in: Clifford Algebras: Applications to Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering, R. Ablamowicz ed., Progress in Mathematical Physics, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2003, pp. 155-166 [prc].


46) C.B., I. Mencattini, “Hyper-symplectic structures on integrable systems”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 50 (2004), 339-444 [prp].

47) C.B., M. Jardim, “Hyperkähler Nahm transforms”, in: Algebraic structures and moduli spaces, H. Nakajima, E. Markman eds., CRM Proceedings & Lectures Notes, AMS, 2004, pp. 150-159 [prc].

48) C.B., G. Falqui, M. Pedroni, “A geometric interpretation of the separability of the Neumann-Rosochatius system”, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 21 (2004), 349-360 [prp].

49) C.B., “Il mondo è matematico?”, in AA. VV. La matematica della natura, Erga edizioni, Genova 2004, pp. 17-38 [c].

50) C.B., “L’audacia dell'intelligenza. L’immaginario matematico dell’Uomo senza qualità”, Lettera Matematica Pristem, 50-51, 2004, 32-39; revised version in: Vite matematiche. Protagonisti del '900 da Hilbert a Wiles, C.B., R. Betti, A. Guerraggio, R. Lucchetti, eds., Springer, Milano 2007, pp. 111-127; Engl. translation, “Robert Musil. The Audacity of Intelligence”, in: Mathematical lives. Protagonists of the Twentieth Century Form Hilbert to Wiles, C.B., R. Betti, A. Guerraggio, R. Lucchetti, eds., Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg 2010, pp. 79-90 [p, c].

51) B. Greene, La trama del cosmo, ed. by C.B., transl. by L. Civalleri and Adria Tissoni, Einaudi, Torino 2004 [eb].


52) C.B., E. Macrì, “Classification of Poisson surfaces”, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 7 (2005), 1-7 [prp].

53) C.B., “Alle origini del mito di Einstein”, preface to: A. Einstein, Il lato umano, H. Dukas, B. Hoffmann eds., Einaudi, Torino 2005, pp. VII-XIV [c].

54) C.B., “Geometria e fisica nell’Ottocento. Gauss, Riemann, Helmholtz”, in: La scienza, vol. XI, directed by E. Bellone, Utet - La Repubblica, 2005, pp. 507-525 [c].


55) C.B., G. Giorello, “Tradizione e iconoclastia”, introduction to: T. Kuhn, La tensione essenziale e altri saggi, Einaudi, Torino 2006, pp. VII-XXXI [c].

56) C.B., “Laicità e ricerca scientifica”, in: Laicità, G. Boniolo ed., Einaudi, Torino 2006, pp. 97-113 [c].

57) Racconti matematici, ed. by C.B., Einaudi, Torino 2006 [eb].

57bis) C.B., “Introduzione”, in Racconti matematici, Einaudi, Torino 2006, pp. I - XXVII [c].


58) C.B., R. Betti, A. Guerraggio, R. Lucchetti (eds.), Vite matematiche. Protagonisti del '900 da Hilbert a Wiles, Springer, Milano 2007 [eb].

59) C.B., “Michael F. Atiyah: le ragioni profonde della matematica”, in: Vite matematiche. Protagonisti del '900 da Hilbert a Wiles, C.B., R. Betti, A. Guerraggio and R. Lucchetti eds., Springer, Milano 2007, pp. 275-291; Engl. translation, “Michael F. Atiyah. Mathematics’ deep reasons”, in: Mathematical lives. Protagonists of the Twentieth Century Form Hilbert to Wiles, C.B., R. Betti, A. Guerraggio and R. Lucchetti eds., Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg 2010, pp. 197-208 [c].

60) La matematica. Vol 1. I luoghi e i tempi, ed. by C.B. and P. Odifreddi (advisory board: Sir Michael Atiyah, A. Connes, F. Dyson, Yu. Manin, D. Mumford, H. Putnam, S. Smale), Einaudi, Torino 2007; French translation: La mathématique. Les lieux et les temps, CNRS Éditions, Paris 2009 [eb].

61) Gödel, edited by C. B., R. Lucchetti, Lettera Matematica Pristem, 62-63 (2007) [ej]

62) C.B., L. Guzzardi, “L’irrealtà del tempo: Kant, Einstein e gli universi rotanti di Kurt Gödel”, Lettera Matematica Pristem, 62-63, 2007, pp. 69-78 [p].


63) C.B., “Comunicare la scienza”, in: Matematici al lavoro, E. Del Prete, A. Russo and G. Anzellotti eds., Sironi, Milano 2008, pp. 65-69 [c].

64) C.B., “Il tempo cosmico da Einstein a Gödel”, in: Manca qualche passaggio? Sei lezioni su Einstein e Lucrezio, G. Martufi ed., Cafoscarina, Venezia 2008, pp. 97-121 [c].

65) C.B., “Chi crede ancora nell’unità della natura?”, in: Idea di natura, E. Cadelo ed., Marsilio, Venezia 2008, pp. 49-58 [c].

66) C.B., “L’anima dell’esattezza: intrecci tra matematica e letteratura”, SissaNews, luglio 2008, pp. 11-12 [p].

67) C.B., “Sinisgalli e la civiltà delle macchine”, Lettera Matematica Pristem, 69 (2008), pp. 68-69 [p].

68) La matematica. Vol 2. Problemi e teoremi, ed. by C.B. and P. Odifreddi (advisory board: Sir Michael Atiyah, A. Connes, F. Dyson, Yu. Manin, D. Mumford, H. Putnam, S. Smale; scientific direction by C.B.), Einaudi, Torino 2008 [eb].


69) C.B., I. Mencattini, “Some remarks on special Kähler manifolds”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 59 (2009), 755-763 [prp].

70) C.B., “La chiocciola e la spirale”, in: Un “Leonardo” del Novecento: Leonardo Sinisgalli (1908-1981), G.I. Bischi, P. Nastasi eds., Pristem Storia 23-24, 2009, pp. 127-140 [c].

71) C.B., “Raccontare mondi possibili: letteratura e matematica”, in: Cavalcare la luce. Scienza e letteratura. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Alessandria 23-25 maggio 2007, G. Ioli ed., Interlinea Edizioni, Novara 2009, pp. 141-146 [c].

72) C.B., U. Bruzzo, D. Hernández Ruipérez, Fourier-Mukai and Nahm transforms in geometry and mathematical physics, “Progress in Mathematics” vol. 276, Birkhäuser, Boston 2009 [prb].


73) C.B., G. Falqui, I. Mencattini, G. Ortenzi, M. Pedroni, “On the geometric origin of the bi-hamiltonian structure of the Calogero-Moser system”, International Mathematics Research Notices, (2010) 2010, 279-296 [prp].

74) C.B., “La dimensione più misteriosa”, in: Gino De Dominicis. L’immortale (Catalogue of an exhibition held at the MAXXI, Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy, May 30-Nov. 7, 2010), A. Bonito Oliva ed., Electa, Milano 2010, pp. 63-67; Engl. translation, “The most mysterious dimension”, in: Gino De Dominicis. The Immortal, A. Bonito Oliva ed., Electa, Milan 2010 [c].

75) C.B., “Dimenticare differenze”, in: Un diario tira l’altro. Condivisione, Maria Morganti ed., Corraini, Mantova 2010, pp. 23-25 [c].

76) C.B., R. Betti, A. Guerraggio and R. Lucchetti (eds.), Mathematical lives. Protagonists of the Twentieth Century Form Hilbert to Wiles, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg 2010 [rev. and enlarged English ed. of 60)] [eb].

77) C.B., “Interview with Andrew Wiles”, in Mathematical lives. Protagonists of the Twentieth Century Form Hilbert to Wiles, C.B., R. Betti, A. Guerraggio, R. Lucchetti eds., Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg 2010, pp. 231-235 [c].

78) La matematica. Vol 4. Pensare il mondo, ed. by C.B. and P. Odifreddi (advisory board: Sir Michael Atiyah, A. Connes, F. Dyson, Yu. Manin, D. Mumford, H. Putnam, S. Smale; scientific direction by C.B.), Einaudi, Torino 2010 [eb].


79) C.B., “Geometrie vittoriane”, introduction to: Edwin A. Abbott, Flatlandia, translated by F. Oddera, Einaudi, Torino 2011, pp. V-XXXI [c].

80) New trends in geometry, and its role in natural and living sciences, ed. by C.B., L. Boi, C. Sinigaglia, Imperial College Press, London 2011 [eb].

81) C.B., U. Bruzzo, “The emergence of algebraic geometry in contemporary physics”, in: New trends in geometry, and its role in natural and living sciences, C.B., L. Boi and C. Sinigaglia eds., Imperial College Press, London 2011, pp. 3-15 [c].

82) La matematica. Vol 3. Suoni, parole, forme, ed. by C.B. and P. Odifreddi (advisory board: Sir Michael Atiyah, A. Connes, F. Dyson, Yu. Manin, D. Mumford, H. Putnam, S. Smale), Einaudi, Torino 2011 [eb].


83) C.B., “Scienza e filosofia: un divorzio italiano”, in: Atlante della letteratura italiana, S. Luzzatto, G. Pedullà eds., vol. III. Dal Romanticismo a oggi, D. Scarpa ed., Einaudi, Torino 2012, pp. 448-453 [c].

84) C.B., Una piramide di problemi. Storie di geometria da Gauss a Hilbert, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2012 [b].


85) C.B., G. Giorello, “‘Il Grande Compagno è morto’”, in: W.K. Clifford, Etica, scienza e fede, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2013, pp. 7-43 [c].

86) Henri Poincaré. Un matematico tra due secoli, edited by C. Bartocci, Lettera Matematica Pristem, 84-85 (2013); English ed. Lettera Matematica International edition, 1-2 (2013) [ej].

87) C.B., “‘Ragionare bene su figure disegnate male’: la nascita della topologia algebrica”, Lettera Matematica, 84-85 (2013), pp. 22-31; English transl. “‘Reasoning well from badly drawn figures’: the birth of algebraic topology”, Lettera Matematica International Edition, 1-2 (2013), pp. 13-22 [p]


88) C.B., U. Bruzzo, V. Lanza, C. Rava, “ADHM data for the Hilbert scheme of points of the total space of ”, arXiv:1403.0460 (2014) [p].

89) L. Barbieri Viale, C.B., “Il potere dell’innocenza”, in: Matematica ribelle. Le due vite di Alexander Grothendieck, Corriere della Sera Grandi Saggi, Milano 2014, pp. 49-62 [c].

90) C.B., L. Civalleri, Numeri, Codice, Torino 2014 (2nd revised ed., Codice, Torino 2017) [b].


91) C.B., U. Bruzzo, C. Rava, “Monads for framed sheaves on Hirzebruch surfaces”, Advances in Geometry, 15 (2015), 55-76 [prp].

92) C.B., Dimostrare l’impossibile, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2014 (Premio Galileo per la divulgazione scientifica, 9a ed., Padova 2015, selezione della Giuria scientifica) [b].


93) C.B., U. Bruzzo, C. Rava, “Erratum to ‘Monads for framed sheaves on Hirzebruch surfaces’”, Advances in Geometry 16 (2016), 531-534 [prp].

94) C.B., P. Martin, A. Tagliapietra, Zerologia, Sullo zero, il vuoto e il nulla, il Mulino, Bologna 2016 [b].


95) C.B., V. Lanza, C. Rava, “Moduli spaces of framed sheaves and quiver varieties”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 118 (2017), 20-39 [prp].

96) C.B., A. Tacchella, “Poisson-Nijenhuis structures on quiver path algebras”, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 107 (2017), 1265-1291 [prp].

97) C.B., V. Lanza, C. Rava, “Corrigendum and addendum to ‘Moduli spaces of framed sheaves and quiver varieties’”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 121 (2017), 176-179 [prp].

98) C.B., “Le opere scientifiche”, in: Poincaré. La matematica come strumento universale, RCS, Milano 2017, pp. 53-141 [c].


99) C.B., “Analogy and invention. Some remarks on Poincaré’s Analysis situs papers”, in: The Philosophers and Mathematics. Festschrift for Roshdi Rashed, H. Tahiri ed., Springer, New York 2018, pp. 1-23 [prc].


100) C.B., U. Bruzzo, C. Rava, “Homology of twisted quiver bundles with relations”, Journal of Algebra, 546 (2020), 432-456 [prp].

101) C.B, U. Bruzzo, V. Lanza, C. Rava, “On the irreducibility of some quiver varieties”, SIGMA 16 (2020), 069, 13 pages [prp].

102) C.B., “Ladders of sets and isomorphisms. The shortcomings of Bourbaki’s notion of structure”, in: Structures mères. Semantics, Mathematics, and Cognitive Sciences, A. Peruzzi & S. Zipoli Caiani eds., Springer, Cham (2020), pp. 59-90 [prc].


103) C.B., A. Gentili, J.-J. Szczeciniarz, “Some remarks on blueprints and -schemes”, São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 15 (2021), 754-789 [prp].

104) C.B., “Saul Bellow”, in: Steinberg A-Z, M. Belpoliti ed., Electa, Milano 2021, pp. 417-420 [c].

105) C.B., “Vladimir Nabokov”, in: Steinberg A-Z, M. Belpoliti ed., Electa, Milano 2021, pp. 421-424 [c].

106) C.B., “James Joyce”, in: Steinberg A-Z, M. Belpoliti ed., Electa, Milano 2021, pp. 425-431 [c].

107) C.B., “Numeri”, in: Steinberg A-Z, M. Belpoliti ed., Electa, Milano 2021, pp. 522-526 [c].

108) C.B., “Tempo”, in: Steinberg A-Z, M. Belpoliti ed., Electa, Milano 2021, pp. 531-535 [c].


109) C.B., “Spazi curvi: questioni geometriche e ipotesi fisiche da Gauss a Einstein”, in: Relatività e geometria dell’universo, B. Bellonotto ed., M. Sabatelli Editore, Savona 2022, pp. 17-41 [c].