Bioethics B09

Syllabus home


1 Introduction

2 The Sanctity of New Life

3 The Limits of the Rights of New Life

4 Duty versus Decency

5 Father's Rights

6 Virtues and the Good

7 What is Sacred?

8 The Sacred and the Tragic

9/10 The Problem with Death

11 Good Death ?

12 Suicide

13 The Right to Die

14 A Duty to Die?

15 Politics and Bioethics

16 Judging Abortion: The Morgentaler Decision

17 Autonomy and Informed Consent

18 Limits to Informed Consent: The Rodriguez Decision

19 Problems for Informed Consent: Cultural Differences

20 Beyond Consent I: Pre-competence

21 Beyond Consent II: Post-competence

22 Beyond Consent III: the Mentally Disabled

23 Beyond Consent IV: Post-competent and Loving It


Dworkin "Life Past Reason"

John and Joan

Other Material:

Essay Lecture I

Essay Writing Lecture II