Carmit Segal

Associate Professor

Department of Business Administration
University of Zurich
Plattenstrasse 14
CH - 8032 Zurich

Phone: (+41) 44-634- 5933
e-mail: carmit.segal [at]

CV (updated: October 2022)


Does Workplace Competition Increase Labor Supply? Evidence from a Field Experiment” (with Amalia R. Miller and Ragan Petrie), Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 77(2), 2024, pp.152-272.

Media coverage: The Conversation.

"Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Domestic Violence in Los Angeles" (with Amalia R. Miller and Melissa K. Spencer), Economica, 91(361), 2024, pp. 163-187. 

Media coverage: IZA World of Labor - Measuring the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on domestic violence 

"Effects of the COVID-19 Shutdowns on Domestic Violence in US cities" (with Amalia R. Miller and Melissa K. Spencer) Journal of Urban Economics, 131, 2022, 103476. 

Media coverage: Freakonomics Radio Episode 505 - Did Domestic Violence Really Spike During the Pandemic? , Astrerisk Magazine

Do Female Officers Improve Law Enforcement Quality? Effects on Crime Reporting and Domestic Violence” (with Amalia R. Miller), The Review of Economic Studies, 86(5), 2019, pp. 2220-2247.

Media coverage: The Atlantic, New York Times, USA Today 

Misbehavior, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes,” The Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(4), 2013, pp. 743-779.

Supplemental Web Appendix

How Costly is Diversity? Affirmative Action in Light of Gender Differences in Competitiveness”  (with Muriel Niederle and Lise Vesterlund), Management Science, 59(1), 2013, pp. 1-16.


Long version (NBER Working Paper No. 13923)

Does Temporary Affirmative Action Produce Persistent Effects? A Study of Black and Female Employment in Law Enforcement” (with Amalia R. Miller), The Review of Economics and Statistics, 94(4), 2012, pp. 1107–1125.

Supplemental Web Appendix

Working When No One is Watching: Motivation, Test Scores, and Economic Success,” Management Science, 58(8), 2012, pp. 1438-1457.

Online Appendix (Experimental Instructions).

Media coverage:   Slate, "How Children Succeed," by Paul Tough, September 5, 2012.

Freakonomics Blog (The New York Times), “The Economics of Tiger Parenting,” by Ian Ayres, January 21, 2011.

Forbes Magazine, “For the Love of the Game”, by Ian Ayres and Barry Nalebuff, March 12, 2007.

Classroom Behavior,” Journal of Human Resources, 43(4), 2008, pp. 783-814.

Non-Refereed Publications

Women, Character, and Competition,” in Essays on Character and Opportunity, The Brookings Institution, 2014. 

Finished Papers

Relational Contracts in the Market: The Lure of Relationships” (with Florian Englmaier)   

Gender differences in Competitiveness: the Role of Prizes" (with Ragan Petrie)

Supplemental Web Appendix

Unions, Communication, and Cooperation in Organizations” (with Florian Englmaier) (Previously: Cooperation and Conflict in Organizations, This Version: May 2012).

© Noa Segal